

发布时间:2012-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Lesson 46
New words and expressions:
1. lift
I can lift that chair, but I can’t lift this table.
I tried to lift the sleeping girl, but she was too heavy.
He lifted his hands when he saw me.
2. cake
I can make cakes, but I can’t make biscuits.
Would you like some cake?
We bought her a birthday cake.
3. biscuit
Do you know how to make biscuits?
He had some biscuits and a glass of milk this morning.

Lesson 47
New words and expressions:
1. like
Do you like coffee, Ann?
Do you like winter?
Do you like American films?
2. want
Do you want a cup?
Do you want something to drink?
I want a cup of tea, please.

Lesson 48
New words and expressions:
1. fresh
Let’s eat the cake while it’s still fresh.
The fish is rather fresh.
2. egg
Do you like eggs?
He had an egg and a glass of milk this morning.
I bought a dozen eggs.
3. butter
Do you like butter?
I like to eat my bread with butter.
The butter is nice.
4. pure
The color of the dress is pure white.
The ring is made of pure gold.
5. honey
Do you like honey?
I like to drink tea with honey.
Where did you buy the honey?
6. ripe
The apples are ripe.
Don’t eat fruit that is not ripe.
7. banana
Do you like bananas?
Would you like a banana?
There are some banana trees over there.
8. jam
Do you like jam?
We have only a little jam left.
Pass me the jam, please.
9. sweet
The oranges are sweet.
He likes sweet food.
10. orange
Do you like oranges?
Do you want an orange?
The oranges are big and sweet.
11. Scotch whisky
Would you like a glass of Scotch whisky?
This bottle of Scotch whisky was made in 1980.
12. choice
These choice apples are more expensive.
She told the story in choice phrases.
13. apple
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
There are some apple trees in the garden.
14. wine
My father likes drinking wine.
The wine tastes excellent.
15. beer
A glass of beer, please.
I went out to have a few glasses of beer with some friends last night.
16. blackboard
What’s written on the blackboard?
The students are asked to write out the answers on the blackboard.

Lesson 49
New words and expressions:
1. butcher
At the butcher’s.
Go to buy some meat at the butcher’s, Tom.
The meat at this butcher’s is always very fresh.
2. meat
Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?
She gave up eating meat a few years ago.
We always cook meat.
3. beef
Do you want beef or lamb?
How do you want your beef to be served?
Do you want some more beef?
4. lamb
This hotel serves nice lamb.
Do you like a lamb?
5. husband
I like a lamb, but my husband doesn’t.
Her husband is working at Microsoft.
She went on a holiday with her husband.
6. steak
What about some steak?
My father makes good steak.
I don’t like to eat steak.
7. mince
And a pound of mince, too.
Give me some mince, please.
How do you like the mince?
8. chicken
Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird?
Many people like fried chicken.
The hen is hatching chickens.
9. tell
To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don’t like chicken, either.
Don’t tell this to anyone else.
Please tell me what happened.
10. truth
One should always tell the truth.
No one knows the truth up till now.
11. either
You can have either tea or coffee.
Either you or she is right.

Lesson 50
New words and expressions:
1. tomato
Does Penny like tomatoes?
I like eating tomatoes.
Do you know where tomatoes first came from?
2. potato
Do you like potatoes?
They grow potatoes on their farm.
Potatoes grow underground.
3. cabbage
Does Tom like cabbage?
I hate eating cabbage.
Do you grow cabbage yourself?
4. lettuce
Does Tom like lettuce?
Have you eaten lettuce before?
I don’t even know what lettuce looks like.
5. pea
Do you like peas?
We grow peas in our own garden.
The peas are cheap.
6. bean
Does Anna like beans?
Where can I buy beans?
We grow beans on our farm.
7. pear
Does Elizabeth like pears?
There are some pears in the fridge.
I want a pear. I feel thirsty.
8. grape
Do you like grapes?
The grapes look fresh.
The grapes are sour.
9. peach
Does Betty like peaches?
The peaches are not expensive.
I’ve never tasted better peaches.


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