

发布时间:2012-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Lesson 26
New words and expressions:
1. where
Where is it?
Where are my glasses?
Where are you eating?
2. in
There is a glass in the cupboard.
What’s in your bag?
Lily is in her room now.

Lesson 27
New words and expressions:
1. living room
Mrs. Smith’s living room is large.
My mum is in the living room now.
This is the living room.
2. near
The television is near the window.
The bus stop is near my house.
Come nearer please.
3. window
The television is near the window.
Do you mind if I close the window?
There are two big windows in my room.
4. armchair
There are some armchairs in the room.
Bob is sitting in an armchair.
My armchair is white.
5. door
The stereo is near the door.
Listen! Someone is knocking at the door.
Could you open the door for me?
6. picture
There are some pictures in the room.
What is in the picture?
Many children like books with pictures.
7. wall
The pictures are on the wall.
There is a mirror on the wall.
They drew beautiful pictures on the wall.

Lesson 28
New words and expressions:
1. trousers
There are some trousers on the bed.
I need a pair of new trousers.
She doesn’t like to wear trousers in summer.

Lesson 29
New words and expressions:
1. shut
Shut the door, please.
Shut the window before you leave please.
She shut her eyes when she heard the news.
2. bedroom
The bedroom’s very untidy.
My bedroom is very small.
This house has three bedrooms.
3. untidy
My room looks very untidy.
Her hair is untidy.
4. must
What must I do, Mrs. Jones?
I must be off now.
You must finish your homework before you watch TV.
5. open
Open the window and air the room.
Open the door, please.
When will the shop open?
6. air
You’d better air your room.
Turn on the electric fan to air the room, please.
7. put
Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.
Put the money in your bag.
I can’t remember where I have put the keys.
8. clothes
You need some new clothes.
Put the clothes in the washing machine, Tom.
9. wardrobe
She has a large wardrobe.
There are a lot of beautiful clothes in her wardrobe.
10. dust
Dust the dressing table.
Dust the chair before you sit down.
Jim stood up and dusted the knees of his trousers.
11. sweep
Then sweep the floor.
My mother sweeps the floor every day.
I swept away the broken glass.

Lesson 30
New words and expressions:
1. empty
Empty the suitcase.
Please empty the bottle.
He emptied his pocket, but couldn’t find the ticket.
2. read
Read this magazine.
Have you read this book before?
Read the instruction before you use the machine.
3. sharpen
Sharpen these pencils.
Sharpen your pencils before the test.
He is sharpening his knife.
4. put on
Put on your watch.
Put on your coat.
He put on his hat and went out.
5. take off
Take off your shoes.
It’s hot and he took off his coat.
Take your hat off.
6. turn on
Turn on the light.
Turn on the radio.
He turned on TV as soon as he entered the room.
7. turn off
Turn off the tap.
Turn off the light when you leave.
Please turn off the hot water.


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