新概念英语第三册英音版 44-Speed and Comfort-查字典英语网

新概念英语第三册英音版 44-Speed and Comfort

发布时间:2012-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编
[ar:MP3 同步字幕版(英音)]
[ti:Speed and Comfort]
[00:01.50]Lesson 44
[00:03.30]Speed and comfort
[00:11.94]Which type of transport does the writer prefer, do you think?
[00:18.46]People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air.
[00:27.21]Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours.
[00:32.88]Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy.
[00:36.19]It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey.
[00:40.05]Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lull you to sleep.
[00:49.02]During the day, sleep comes in snatches.
[00:52.43]At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so.
[00:57.95]If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper,
[01:00.40]you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection.
[01:07.93]Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
[01:13.11]Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read.
[01:19.31]On motorways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds,
[01:23.92]but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on roads with few service stations and too much traffic.
[01:32.45]By comparison, ferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civilized comforts.
[01:39.41]You can stretch your legs on the spacious decks, play games,
[01:43.71]meet interesting people and enjoy good food--always assuming, of course, that the sea is calm.
[01:51.30]If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick, no form of transport could be worse.
[01:58.35]Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time.
[02:04.10]Relatively few people are prepared to sacrifice holidays time for the pleasure of travelling by sea.
[02:11.91]Aeroplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and even hardened travellers are intimidated by them.
[02:19.43]They also have the disadvantage of being an expensive form of transport.
[02:24.81]But nothing can match them for speed and comfort.
[02:28.66]Travelling at a height of 30, 000 feet, far above the clouds,
[02:33.30]and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience.
[02:38.68]You do not have to devise ways of taking your mind off the journey,
[02:42.64]for an aeroplane gets you to your destination rapidly.
[02:47.00]For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight.
[02:52.55]The real escapist can watch a film and sip champagne on some services.
[02:58.01]But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied.
[03:03.93]An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.
[03:09.18]You soar effortlessly over high mountains and deep valleys.
[03:14.06]You really see the shape of the land.
[03:16.70]If the landscape is hidden from view,
[03:19.05]you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you,
[03:25.69]while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky.
[03:29.87]The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping.
[03:35.86]However you decide to spend your time,
[03:38.21]one thing is certain: you will arrive at your destination fresh and uncrumpled.
[03:45.12]You will not have to spend the next few days recovering from a long and arduous journey.


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