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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Let me confirm your name and room number.我需要确定一下您的姓名和房间号码。

  This is Gao Qiang in Room 409.我是409房间的高强。

  Mr. Gao in Room 409.409房间的高先生。

  OK. Well ring you up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.嗯,我们会在明天6点整叫您。

  May I ask for a wake-up call tomorrow morning?明早我可以要求晨叫服务吗?

  What time would you like to receive the call?您想何时叫您?

  When would you be fond of receiving the call?你喜欢什么时候叫您?

  Front Desk. Can I help you?前台,需要我为您服务吗?

  Yes. Im checking out now, and want to get a taxi to the cinema.我现在要退房,需要一部出租车到电影院。

  Could you get one for me, please?麻烦你帮我叫一辆好吗?

  Certainly, sir. Ill get a taxi for you. Are you going directly to the cinema?好的,先生。我会帮您叫车的,您直接去电影院吗?

  No. I need to stop by the shop.不,我要先到商店停一下。

  OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes.好,10分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等候。

  It will take less than 5 minutes to check out.退房最多只需5分钟。

  Good. Thank you. Ill be right down.好,谢谢你。我马上下来。

  Ill need a taxi to the train station. Could you find one for me?我想到火车站。能为我叫辆出租车吗?

  Will you be stopping anywhere else before going to the train station.去火车站之前是否还到别的地方?

  Would you be driving straight to the train station?您想直接去火车站吗?

  Could you arrange a taxi for me, please?能为我安排辆出租车吗?

  Could you have a taxi waiting for me, please?能否叫辆出租车等我?

  May I speak to Miss Chen?可以跟陈小姐讲话吗?

  Miss Chen is not in right now. She went shopping.陈小姐现在不在,她去买东西了。

  Will it be too late if I call around 9:00 tonight?如果我在晚上9点左右打来会不会太晚?

  Thats all right. We dont go to bed early.那没关系。我们不会睡得太早。

  When will she come back?她什么时候会回来?

  Why dont you call back later this afternoon?你何不今天下午再来电话呢?

  Is Miss Zhang in?张小姐在吗?

  No. Shes at work now.不在,她正在上班。

  May I have her office phone number, please?可以给我她办公室的电话吗?

  Sure. Its 6225-9438.好的。是6225-9438。


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