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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  All Eyes on the Mars (火星)

  Mars is the fourth planet (行星) from the Sun. Scientists are now watching it. And now three little spacecrafts (宇宙飞船) are studying it. They are taking pictures. Three more are traveling around in the sky, high above the Mars. All the six are working to find out the planets past. Did anything ever live on the Mars? All the living things cant live without on the Mars? All the living things cant live without water. Is there any water on the Mars? On September 29th, scientists had big news. One spacecraft named Phoenix found snow high in the sky on the Mars. Snow comes from water. And Phoenix also found ice before. But they cant find any signs of life. Scientists want to explore (探索) more later. In 2009, space scientists plan to send a large rover (火星车) called the Mars Science Laboratory.

  Someday scientists hope to send a robot to get rocks (岩石) and return them to the Earth. People could study the rocks, and learn more about the planet. Can people land on the Mars? No one knows. Before people land on it, machines can do the exploring work.

  1. How many spacecrafts are travelling around in the sky to study the Mars?

  A. Six. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

  2. What are all the six spacecrafts working to do?

  A. To study. B. To travel.

  C. To land on the Mars. D. To find the Mars past.

  3. Who found snow high in the sky on the Mars?

  A. Scientists. B. Phoenix. C. Robot. D. Rover.

  4. What does the underlined word signs probably mean in the second paragraph?

  A. 迹象 B. 招牌 C. 手势 D. 暗号

  5. Which of the following is true?

  A. There is life on the Mars. B. People can live without water on the Mars.

  C. There is snow on the Mars. D. There isnt any water on the Mars.


  ( ) 1. 1. A. trousers B. clothes C. glasses D. people

  ( ) 2. A. short B. cold C. fast D. young

  ( ) 3. A. colour B. white C. blue D. yellow

  ( ) 4. A. give B. which C. what D. who

  ( ) 5. A. seven B. eighth C. six D. fifteen



  Keys: ADBAC


  Keys: DCAAB


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