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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Dont make a scene!

  (Feifei is in front of the theatre, anxious, when Neil shows up)

  Feifei: 哎呀,你终于来了。我都在剧院前等了老半天了。Lets go in!

  Neil: Calm down, Feifei. You are too excited!

  Feifei: 我能不激动吗!太爱这部剧了,今天终于可以看了!Lets go!

  Neil: The tickets... (He searches his pockets) the tickets... Where are the tickets? I cant find the tickets!

  Feifei: What!? 票找不到了?你没开玩笑吧?

  Neil: Im not joking! I cant find them.

  Feifei: 你怎么能把票搞丢了呢?怎么能这样对我呢?Im so disappointed!

  Woman 1: Oh! Look, she is hysterical! Do you think she will slap him?

  Woman 2: He is really inconsiderate!

  Neil: Feifei, dont make a scene!

  Feifei: I have to make a scene. 我大吵大闹是因为你把票丢了,我盼望了这么久的,这下好,看不成了。

  Neil: To make a scene is an expression we use in English to describe when somebody causes a disturbance or is loud in public. Often its embarrassing. Lets hear some examples of how this expression is used :

  I will never go back to the restaurant again. Last night Jane made a scene when the waiter brought fish instead of the beef she had ordered! It was very embarrassing.

  Dont make a scene, Alan! We are not married yet and I can go out with whoever I like including your best friend!

  Feifei: To make a scene 常用来形容某人在公共场合大吵大闹。Im sorry, Neil. 我不是故意要当着这么多人面冲你嚷嚷,可是你知道我是多么想看这部剧吗?诶,出租车司机这是要干嘛呢?

  Taxi driver: (Approaches them in a hurry) There you are, sir. I found these tickets on the back seat of my taxi. They might have slipped from your pocket.

  Feifei: 太好了,他在车上找到了票!票肯定是从你口袋里给掉到车座位上的。

  Neil: Oh, thank you so much! Feifei was really angry. Now, the drama is over!

  Feifei: 你是说戏就要开始了吧!你真是我的好朋友 Neil. You are my best friend ever!

  Neil: Thank you, Feifei. You are my best friend too! Im glad we can watch the play together!

  Woman 1: Look. Isnt it marvellous? They are friends again!

  Woman 2: Dont you just love a happy ending?

  Feifei: 咱们进去吧!Oh, Im so happy! Bye.

  Neil: Bye.



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