所在位置: 查字典英语网 >小学英语 > 小升初 > 小升初口语 > 地道英语:那个谁?


发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Whats his face?

  Finn: Hi Feifei. Did you enjoy the party last night?

  Feifei: Yeah, great Finn. You?

  Finn: Oh yeah, caught up with so many old friends!

  Feifei: Yeah me too. Whats his name was there.

  Finn: Oh yeah, whats his name again? He was dancing crazily!

  Feifei: Oh, cant remember. Erm... Thingy.

  Finn: Yeah, begins with ... Simon? Sandy?

  Feifei: S... thingamy.

  Finn: Oh, oh - and whats his face was there too!

  Feifei: Oh, whats his face? The singer?

  Finn: Yeah, he was singing wasnt he!

  Feifei: And his new girlfriend... whats her face?

  Finn: Well, hopefully your memory is better than ours!

  Feifei:是的,想必大家已经猜到了我们今天要教给各位的短语 - whats his face. 在我们记不起来某人姓名的时候,我们就可以说 whats his face, 就好像我们中文里常说的某某,那个谁。

  A: Whos that?

  B: Its whats his face.

  Feifei: 或者,你记不起姓名的那个人是女士的话,你就可以说 whats her face?

  Wow, isnt that whats her face?

  Finn: Other phrases you might hear are:

  Feifei: Whats his name?

  Finn: Thingamy...

  Feifei: Whats her name?

  Finn: But of course, Im sure youll never have that problem.

  Feifei: So you wont need to learn todays Authentic Real English phrase.

  Finn: Anyway. Have to go now.

  Feifei: Where are you going this afternoon?

  Finn: Oh you know, whats it called?

  Feifei: Oh there! Yeah. Say hi to whats his face for me!

  Finn: Will do. And lets remind everyone to visit bbcuk... Erm... What is it?

  Feifei: bbcukchina.com

  Finn: For more phrases.

  Feifei: Bye.

  Finn: Bye.



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