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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  To Nick

  Helen: 大家好,欢迎收听地道英语。我是 Helen.

  Rob: And Im Rob.

  Helen: 我刚才看到你在找你的耳机,后来你找到了吗?

  Rob: No, you know, I looked for them everywhere. Someone must have nicked them.

  Helen: Nicked them?

  Rob: Oh, sorry, what I meant is that someone stole my headphones. To nick something means to steal something .

  Helen: Nicked 被人偷走了。Thats terrible. 这个词是怎么拼写的呢?

  Rob: Its spelt N.I.C.K. nick. To nick something.

  Helen: 哎呀,我儿子的好朋友就叫 Nick, 怎么这么巧。好多人都叫 Nick, 是不是很久以前叫 Nick 的人经常偷东西?才会有现在这个解释呢?

  Rob: No, not at all, Nick is a great name. But this is different. Here the word nick is a verb and its British slang too.

  Helen: 那就让我们来听两个例子吧,你能听出来什么东西被偷掉了吗?


  Man: Someone nicked my bike this morning.

  Lady: Oh, no. Did you report it to the police?

  Man: Yes, I did.

  Man 1: Where are the chocolate biscuits I was saving? I am sure I saw them yesterday.

  Man 2: Sorry, I dont know. Blame Dave, hes always nicking things.

  Rob: So, one of them lost a bike and the other one lost his chocolate biscuits.

  Helen: 自行车和巧克力饼干都被偷了,真倒霉。该请警察们出动破案了。

  Rob: Yes. The police can definitely help them by nicking those petty thieves .

  Helen: This is confusing. 你说警察也能 nick? 他们能偷东西?这不大可能吧?

  Rob: No, no, no, no. The police cant nick things from people. But when they arrest someone, we can say the person is nicked. It means theyre arrested by the police .


  Woman: Have you heard from Inspector James?

  Man: No. Hes working on a big case. I think they have just nicked the main suspect!

  Helen: 我明白了,如果警察抓住了犯罪分子, 那么我们就可以用 nick 这个词来表示警察逮捕了某人。所以 nick 这个词即可以是指东西被偷了,也可以指警察抓住坏人了。

  Rob: Helen, youve got it. Just remember its not a formal expression.

  Helen: Thanks. Ill keep that in mind. 我记住了 nick 是地道的英国口语。谢谢收听。 Bye for now.

  Rob: Bye!



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