Donnot Get Me Wrong
Yang Li: Hello Im Yang Li! And joining me today is Neil hello Neil!
Neil: Hello!
Yang Li: 你拿的框子里是不是有只猫?
Neil: Its my adorable cat, Spencer.
Yang Li: Ahhh, can I see him?
Neil: Of course...
(basket opening)
Yang Li: Ahhhh-urgh!
Neil: What do you mean, urgh?
Yang Li: Thats not a cat, 看上去像一只青蛙!
(offended miaow)
Yang Li: Wheres its fur? 没有毛的猫!
Neil: Spencer certainly is a cat. Hes a sphinx cat, they dont have any fur.
Yang Li: 嗯? 既然是猫,怎么能没有毛?
Neil: You dont like him do you?
Yang Li: No, no, no, dont get me wrong. Hes just a bit... surprising!
Cat: Miaow?!
Yang Li: Dont get me wrong 这个短语的意思不要曲解我的意思.刚才我说Neil的宠物看上去像只青蛙,那并不表示不喜欢他的宠物,只是,那小东西看上去与众不同罢了。下面我们再听几个例句,注意听 dont get me wrong:
Dont get me wrong, I do like James, I just think he can be a bit annoying sometimes.
Dont get me wrong, Id love to come to your party, but Im busy tonight.
That coat is very bright but dont get me wrong, I still think you should wear it.
Neil: Well, I think Spencer is a beautiful cat.
(miaow of agreement)
Neil: And, dont get me wrong, but you dont know much about cats do you?
Yang Li: I do! I have a Norwegian forest cat. And shes very beautiful with lots of fur! But Spencer is... very strange.
(angry miaow)
Yang Li: A kind of gremlin 小魔怪。
(angry hiss)
Yang Li: And not very friendly.
(crazed miaow of anger as Spencer throws himself on Li)
Cat voice: Miaow, dont get me wrong, I am only being friendly!
Yang Li: 你在说谎,走开,走开你这捣蛋的家伙! Get off!
上一篇: 美国俚语:要上路了
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