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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  To paint the town red


  Will: Hello! Im Will. Its Friday night time to have fun! This is the Burning Swan - my favourite pub. Im just waiting for Li. Oh there she is. My goodness! What is she wearing this time?

  Li: Hi Will.

  Will: Hi Li! Nice... blue overalls!

  Li: Thank you, 这些都是新买的工作服 overalls, 专门为今天晚上准备的。

  Will: Okay. I dont really follow fashion, but in London at least, overalls are really just for builders and painters and carpenters.

  Li: Yes, youre right! 好了我们从哪儿开始呢?

  Will: Eh? What are you doing?

  Li: 这里看上去是挺单调的。

  Will: Why have you got a can of paint?

  Li: 特别是对面儿的那堵墙,你看漆都掉了。Shall we?

  Will: Li, what are you doing? You cant just walk into places and start repainting their walls! Dont! Stop it! Dont! I love that brown colour!

  Li: Will,你不是说要刷成红色吗?

  Will: No! No-one wants it to be red!

  Li: But didnt you say that tonight wed paint the town red, starting with this pub 你不记得了今天早上你说我们要把这城市刷成红色的,还说就从这个酒吧开始!

  Will: Its just an expression! It means that well go out and have a really exciting, crazy time. Well paint the town red it just means well have fun, not actually paint things.

  Li: OK. To paint the town red 是一个短语意思是在城里狂玩儿。

  Will: Lets listen to some examples.

  Its my daughters birthday today. Shes gone out with her friends. I expect theyll paint the town red!

  We had a crazy night on Saturday, we painted the town red.

  Li: 好了Will, 你来说说你的想法把,你准备怎么个狂玩儿?Whats your idea of painting the town red?

  Will: We drink, we dance, we laugh loudly, we meet people, we stay up all night.

  Li: 嗯,不过我觉得,我还是想粉刷一下,你看,这面墙多旧呀。

  Will: No, Li, stop! Well get arrested. Youll ruin our night out!

  Li: Isnt that colour so much better?

  Will: No, Li, just stop please!

  Li: 你看这红色的多好看哪!

  Will: Li!



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