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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Head over heels


  Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, Im Neil and I am waiting for Li.

  Li: Ouch. 我是杨莉. Here on the floor, I went head over heels butbut Im ready to present the programme, Neil.

  Neil: Are you okay? Let me help you to stand up, Li.

  Li: Thank you. 多谢你助我一臂之力。

  Neil: I am sorry that you fell over like that. You sounded so cheerful so you are head over heels Li? Who is the lucky guy?

  Li: 你说什么,有福的小伙子是哪一位? What do you mean, Neil?

  Neil: Well, the one you are head over heels in love with. Is it anyone I know?

  Li: 是不是你认识的人? I dont know what you are talking about, Neil. I have just fallen flat on my face 我倒栽葱,仰面摔了个大马趴。

  Neil: You said that you are head over heels.

  Li: Head over heels. 这个短语的意思是从头到脚,形容一个人整个身体倒下去的样子,同时也可以用来形容一个人完全被另一个人所迷住,疯狂恋爱,堕入爱河。

  Neil: You can also imagine that you are a gymnast doing somersaults or cartwheels. Your head goes literally over your heels.

  Li: Oh, thats right, 我们可以想象一个体操运动员翻跟头时的样子,那么一个疯狂恋爱的人也会因为内心充满了幸福感而雀跃。

  A: They met at a dinner party and fell head over heels for each other.

  B: He is gorgeous! I am head over heels in love with him!

  C: She is a hopeless romantic: she is always head over heels in love with somebody.

  Neil: So, who is it Li? Who have you fallen head over heels in love with? I promise I wont tell a soul.

  Li: Neil, I came here very excited to present a programme with you but I must say that now 我的头好疼啊

  Neil: Your head hurts?

  Li: and 我的,我的脚也疼得要命

  Neil: Your feet are sore?

  Li: but I am certainly not in love with this bin that made me fall over.

  Neil: Oh Okay. So no juicy gossip for us today. Wed better go now. Goodbye!

  Li: Mmm, 没有小道消息! And lets finish the programme because Id better go and have an aspirin. Bye



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