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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Keep me posted


  Neil: Hello, Im Neil.

  Helen: 还有我 Helen. Neil, 你今天怎样?

  Neil: Not good.

  Helen: 怎么啦?

  Neil: I posted my house-keys.

  Helen: 你把你大门钥匙给寄走了?哎呀,你是不是搞错了,把钥匙当成信给扔信筒里了?

  Neil: Yes, I got it mixed up. Instead of putting a letter in, I put my keys in.

  Helen: Oh dear.

  Neil: But I have my address attached to my keys, so maybe theyll get back to me.

  Helen: Yes, 可能好心人会寄回来给你。不过你可能面临更大的危险,因为有人既有你的住址信息又有你的大门钥匙。

  Neil: Oh no, burglars might get in! Id better wait outside to see what happens.

  Helen: OK, good luck.

  Neil: Ill keep you posted. See you later!

  Helen: Neil 说 keep me posted. 这并不是说他要把我给寄走。这个通俗短语的意思是他会和我保持联系,告诉我事情发展的情况 。请听以下几个例子:

  I dont know what time theyre arriving, but Ill keep you posted!

  Keep me posted on how things go in your new job!

  I kept them posted on what was happening.

  Helen: 希望 Neil 能找回他的大门钥匙. Hello?

  Neil: Hi, its Neil.

  Helen: Neil! Any news

  Neil: Well, someone posted my keys back to me.

  Helen: Great!

  Neil: But they put them through the letterbox!

  Helen: Oh no. 你的钥匙回来了,但你被锁在门外了。

  Neil: And Im stuck! I tried to get through a window but I dont fit. Im half-in, half-out.

  Helen: 什么?你被窗户夹住了!

  Neil: Thank goodness for that, help must be arriving.

  Police: Dont move!

  Neil: Does it look like I can move?

  Police: Hands on your head!

  Helen: 听起来有人报警了,他们肯定认为 Neil 想偷东西。

  Neil: But, this is my house!

  Police: Is it indeed?

  Helen: 我不跟你多讲了,你先和警察解释吧。But do keep me posted Neil!

  Neil: Keep you posted! How am I going to do that if Im locked up? Arrested for breaking into my own house!

  Helen: Bye!



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