Hit the ground running 积极做到最好
Kaz: (Breathless) Hello, Im Kaz.
Yang Li: And Im Yang Li. Hey Kaz, 你怎么穿着跑鞋,上气不接下气?出什么事儿了?
Kaz: Wait Li (Gulp for breath), let me catch my breath. Yes, Im wearing my running shoes because Ive been running.
Yang Li: 看的出来,你在跑步,怎么了?迟到啦?
Kaz: No it was because of something my boss told me to do.
Yang Li: 你的老板叫你急跑到录音室?Hmm 用得着吗?
Kaz: No no, she said Kaz, when you start tomorrows programme, I want you to hit the ground running.
Yang Li: I want you to hit the ground running 我想让你脚一挨地就跑步这听起来挺危险的。
Kaz: Well, I thought Id do it literally just for fun.
Yang Li: 真的?你会从汽车上跳下来,然后跑到录音室?
Kaz: Thats right. I literally hit the ground running!
Yang Li: 但是我觉得你老板应该不会让你真的就这么 hit the ground running. Im sure theres a non-literal meaning?
Kaz: Youre absolutely right Li. When she said, I want you to hit the ground running she meant When you start tomorrows programme, I want you to immediately work very hard on it to make it successful.
Yang Li: 就是说嘛。老板说让你 to hit the ground running 的意思是让你到了录音室以后,马上投入工作,努力把今天的节目做好,有个好的开始。那让我们来听听几个例子吧:
If you want to succeed in your new job, youll need to hit the ground running from day one.
You guys will have to hit the ground running on this new project.
The President promised that if he was re-elected he would hit the ground running on the question of unemployment.
Yang Li: Kaz 这个短语 to hit the ground running 是不是从美国来的?
Kaz: Yes, I think youre right Li, but were beginning to hear it more often in British English.
Yang Li: 美国进口的?
Kaz: Yes, I think it is. You tend to hear it in connection with speed and efficiency especially on new projects.
Yang Li: Great!
Kaz: But one things for certain Li.
Yang Li: Whats that?
Kaz: On this programme we always hit the ground running!
Yang Li: 你说得可真对,我们做节目可不马虎。We always give it 110% . 下次节目再见。
Both: Bye!
上一篇: 如何用英文“插嘴”?
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