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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  By Charlie Morgan

  李薇 译注

  In Canada, many people like to plant a garden. Some plant flowers, some vegetables, and others like both. But, gardens are lots of work. So, people go to a garden centre to buy bedding plants[1]. You can get many flowers already started, so theyll grow fast. You can also get small tomato plants. Do you have a garden? Do you want one? Can you help to take care of it? Or, will you only help to eat from it?

  A: What are you going to do tomorrow? Are you free?

  B: Sorry, Ill be busy. Its time to plant my garden.

  A: Lucky you. I dont have a garden. I live in a building. Whatll you plant?

  B: I usually plant some vegetables and some flowers.

  A: Which vegetables are you going to plant?

  B: Im going to have a row of carrots and a row of lettuce[2]. I already have the seeds. Theyre easy to grow. And, I always plant some tomatoes.

  A: Tomatoes fresh from the garden are delicious[3]. What else will you plant?

  B: Last year, we had a cucumber[4] patch. They were good, but they sprawled everywhere. So, Im not going to plant any this year.

  A: I see. Will you plant any peas[5] or peppers? Theyre my favorites[6].

  B: No, peas are extra work, they need stakes. And, my peppers always die.

  A: Oh, dear. What kinds of flowers are you going to plant?

  B: I think Ill just pick up some bedding plants. Thats faster.

  A: Wherell you get them?

  B: Theres a garden centre in front of my local supermarket. Ill pick up a nice assortment of colorful ones that are easy to look after[7].

  A: I hope they all bloom for you. It sounds like a lot of work.

  B: Yes, I have to turn over[8] the soil, dig holes, plant bedding plants and sow seeds, then water everything. But, thats just the beginning.

  A: Really? Is it hard to tend to a garden? Whatll you need to do?

  B: I must weed the garden regularly, water it and fertilize it. Ive got to watch out for bugs, too. Taking care of a garden is a lot of work.

  A: Whos going to help you?

  B: Everyone will help me enjoy the garden but no one will help!

  A: Im glad I live in an apartment!


  1. bedding plant: 适于花坛种植的花草。

  2. lettuce: 莴苣,生菜。

  3. delicious: 好吃的,非常美味的。

  4. cucumber: 黄瓜。

  5. pea: 豆子。

  6. favorite: 特别受喜爱的人(或物)。

  7. look after: 照顾,照料。

  8. turn over: 把翻过来。这里指翻土。



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