1. fight to the bitter end 历尽艰辛、苦斗到最后关头
Bitter end有一种特殊的意义。船员把船尾系锚绳的柱子叫bitt,系在这柱子上的锚绳的尽头称为bitter end。所以to the bitter end就是到了尽头,再没有多余的绳索了。
例句-1:Mrs Brown fought to the bitter end to keep her house, the only one left after the developers tore down all the others. But after five years she gave up and took the money.
例句-2:A lot of Americans fought to the bitter end to keep the country from getting into World War Two. But after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, America had no choice but to go to war.
2. knock-down drag-out fight 殊死搏斗;激烈的论战
例句-3:Every cowboy movie Ive seen has had a knock-down drag-out fight. Its usually in a bar with everybody jumping in, knocking each other down and breaking up the furniture.
例句-4:The battle to pass the Presidents budget plan through Congress turned out to be a real knock-down drag-out fight, with loud arguments, hot tempers and a very close final vote.
3. cant fight ones way out of a paper bag 软弱无力
Paper bag是纸做的口袋,是一撕就破的东西。如果谁连个纸袋也无法挣脱的话,那他简直就像小虫子一般软弱无力 了。当然cant fight ones way out of a paper bag这个习惯用语是用作比喻的。
例句-5:Larry has almost no chance to win his case, Im afraid. The company lawyer is shrewd and very tough. And the young lawyer Larry hired looks like he cant fight his way out of a paper bag.
例句-6:They said this match will be the fight to remember for a long time. I dont think so! Smith is quick on his feet but he cant punch hard. In fact I dont think he can fight his way out of a paper bag!
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