Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manhattans elites.And who am I? Thats a secret Ill never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。
Hey,上东区的贵族们,绯闻少女在此,我是你们唯一得到曼哈顿精英们丑闻的渠道。 至于我是谁,那是一个我永远也不会说的秘密。你知道你是爱我的,XOXO,绯闻少女
Theres nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.
Choose your side or run hide.
We all know one nation cant have two queens.
Here is an inside tip, little J. The faster you rise, the harder you fall.
Little J,给你一个小忠告,爬得越快,跌得越疼。
Fashion knows not of comfort.
I guess there are firsts for everything.
Im sorry that I kissed you, but I did it, because I thought he should know how it feels to lose you. Trust me, it was not fun.
As you mayve guessed, upper east siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition, its human nature to be free.
Its often said no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. Some people might take a step back and find out they were lookin at the same big picture all along.
If youre ready to forgive me, then nothing can tear us apart, I promise.
What you said before, I love you too, always have, always will.
对于你之前说的(之前他说了I love you) ,我也爱你,一直是,永远会。
Everythings horrible. My whole life is falling apart.
So rebuild it. Youre a Waldorf, remember?
People dont tell you who you are. You tell them. Stay and fight. Ill fight with you.
One may be the loneliest number, but sometimes only the lonely can play.
With friends like this, who needs an army?
They say love conquers all, but maybe love never meet Georgina Sparks.
The only thing feared by the spawn of Satan? Mom and dad. Leave to Blair Warldof to know that bitches dont just happen. Theyre made, by parents even more wicked than their offspring.
撒旦之子最怕什么呢?当然是父母拉。 这也使得B明白贱人并非凭空产生,而是由更为邪恶的父母抚养长成的。
上一篇: 墨西哥湾“漏油事件”相关词汇
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