Helen: Hey guys, do you think the cats okay?
Alice: The cat? Seems fine to me. Why?
Helen: I think we should take her to the vet. She doesnt seem right to me.
Alice: Shes fine.
Helen: No, shes not! You guys never listen to me. Tim, can you take her to the vet?
Tim: Im sorry Helen. Im up to my ears in work at the moment. Anyway, she seems fine, arent you Kitty?
Helen: I told you shes not well! Right, if you lot dont care, Ill take her!
Tim: Blimey, whats up with her?
Alice: Oh, shes just a bit down in the dumps at the moment.
Tim: Right. Whys that?
Alice: Tim! Youre such a bloke, arent you?
a vet 兽医
a shortened version of a veterinary surgeon (an animal doctor)
blimey 难以置信的惊叹词,主要用在英式英语
an expression of surprise or annoyance, used mainly in British English
a bloke 男人(非正式用法)
本单元的语言点是有关 and down 的习惯语,请看下面的解释和例句
Idioms with and down
Idioms 习惯语
Idioms use language metaphorically. This means that the meaning of an idiom is not the same as the meanings of the individual words in the idiom. For example, if you go down memory lane, it means you think about the past (the metaphorical meaning), not that you walk down a street called memory lane (the literal meaning).
Idioms are fixed groups of words. This means that the wording of an idiom can not be changed. For example, you can say go down memory lane, but you cant say go down memory street
Idioms with
To be up: Whats up? means: Whats the matter or problem? This is often used when someone is upset or behaving strangely.
Example:Whats up with Helen at the moment? She seems really upset.
This idiom is also used as an infomp3al greeting.
Example:Hi, David. Whats up man?Just the usual. Howre you doing?
To be up someones s street: to be ideal for someone, or be related to something which someone knows a lot about.
Example:Ask Sarah that question about football. Its right up her street: shes been a fan for ages.
To be up to my/the ears: to be really busy or occupied with something, so that you have little free time.
Example:Tim cant help her because he is up to his ears in/with work.
To be on the up and up: to be getting increasingly successful.
Example:His life has been on the up and up since he published his first book. Now, hes making a film in Hollywood.
To be up-to-the-minute: to be the most recent or latest; to be very fashionable.
Example:These are up-to-the-minute statistics, and they show that the rush hour starts at 4.30, not 5.
Idioms with down
To be down in the dumps: to be sad or miserable.
This idiom refers to an old use of the word dumps, which was used to refer to a sad piece of music.
Example:Helen has been down in the dumps since Michal returned to Poland.
To be/look down in the mouth: to be or look sad and unhappy.
To be down in the mouth means that someones expression is sad; they are definitely not smiling.
Example:Helen looks really down in the mouth at the moment, doesnt she? -Yes, she does. I think shes missing Michal.
To be down-to-earth: to be realistic or practical; to not be a dreamer.
In some ways, this idiom is the opposite of to have your head in the clouds (to be unrealistic).
Example:My sisters very down-to-earth. She always buys me useful presents, like kettles and tools. She never buys me anything silly and fun.
To be/look down at heel: to be or look untidy and uncared for.
This is an idiomatic reference to the condition of someones shoes, when they are very worn and need replacing or repairing.
Example:He seemed well-educated, but looked so down at heel. His clothes were scruffy an d he needed a haircut.
To be down on ones uppers: to be very poor.
This is another idiomatic reference to the condition of someones shoes. It means that their shoes have lost the sole and heel, only the top (upper) part of the shoe remains.
Example:Davids really down on his uppers at the moment. He lost his job, and he cant pay the rent for his house anymore.
To go down memory lane: to look back into the past, in a nostalgic and wamp3 way.
Example:I love school reunions. Theyre a lovely chance to go down memory lane.
上一篇: 英语四级口语考试常用句型(饭桌上)1
下一篇: 老板计划
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