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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Helen: Dad, Khalid likes the room, and he wants to move in, but he wants to know if you can knock a bit off the rent. Helens dad: Helen, you know I cant allow it. Everybody has to pay the same. Helen: I know dad, but we put the advert in the Gazette for 2 weeks, and hes the only person whos anywhere near suitable. Its going to cost a fortune if you have to keep advertising. Helens dad: But why couldnt you find anybody through the ad? Helen: I dont know dad, I cant make people call. All I know is, Khalids just right for the room, but if you want him to move in, youll have to let him have a discount. Helens dad: Well, I suppose I could let him have a small reduction. But what are you going to say to Alice and Tim?

  Vocabulary 词汇

  knock a bit off 稍微减少 reduce slightly

  to cost a fortune 花一大笔钱 to be very expensive

  keep on 继续 (v) continue

  本单元的语言点是关于 Make, Let, Allow 的用法,请看下面的解释和例句

  Make, Let, Allow

  Make - active fomp 主动形式 The verb make has several meanings in English. When Helen says I cant make people call, she means that she cannot force people to call; she does not have the power to control or change the situation.

  When make means force or control, in the active fom, it is followed by an object and the bare infinitive (原形不定式/不带的不定式,infinitive without ).

  Be careful: in the active fomp, make is NOT followed by , and it is NOT followed by an -ing fomp: The teacher made us to do our homework -WRONG The teacher made us doing our homework -WRONG The teacher made us do our homework RIGHT

  Make - passive fomp 被动形式 When make means force, in the passive from, it is followed by the infinitive with .

  Let 容许,让 If you let somebody do something, you give pempission or you allow them to do something. Helen says if you want him to move in, youll have to let him have a discount.

  When let means allow or give e pempission, it is followed by an object and the bare infinitive (infinitive without ).

  Be careful: let is NOT followed by , and it is NOT followed by an -ing fomp: The teacher let us to leave early - WRONG The teacher let us leaving early - WRONG The teacher let us leave early RIGHT

  Allow 准许,许可;允许 Allow has a similar meaning to let. When Helens dad says Helen, you know I cant allow it. He means that he cant give pempission.

  Allow can be used in ways:

  1. It is followed by an object. The object can be a noun, or it can be an -ing fomp3.

  2. It is followed by an object (noun or pronoun) and the infinitive with .

  Be careful: in this pattern, the object is NOT followed by an -ing fomp3:

  The teacher allowed us leaving early - WRONG The teacher allowed us to leaving early - WRONG The teacher allowed us to leave early - RIGHT

  Passive fomps are also possible.

  Smoking is not allowed in this building You are not allowed to smoke in this building



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