【Dialogue 4】
A: Whats the weather --1-- tomorrow?
B: The weather forecast calls for another --2--.
A: Dont tell me the highs will be in the 90s again.
B: Well, at least it will be a dry day with --3--.
Is there a lot of rain in this region in summer?
Does it often rain here in summer?
How much rain did you have in New York?
Whats the yearly average rainfall in/of New York?
华氏度和摄氏度都是用来计量温度的单位。包括我国在内的世界上许多国家都使用摄氏度,而美国和其他一些英语国家则多使用华氏度。华氏度是以其发明者Gabriel D. Fahrenheit命名的,其结冰点是31℉,沸点是212℉。摄氏度的发明者是Anders Celsius,其结冰点是0℃,沸点是100℃。
两者的换算公式:C=5/9(F-32) F=9/5(C+32)
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