Every department store wants to hire a salesman who knows the skill of selling a product and satisfying his customers.We usually call hima good salesman.
A good salesman takes a real interest in his goods.He enjoys explaining its qualities and answering questions about it.In slack time,he busies himself with putting things order.Everybody seeks his advice because he can be counted on to offer quick,polite assistance.Customer relations are very important to him.He always has a smile for his customer,and they trust him because his manner is both interested and sincere.
By the end of the day,the good salesman has made many sales and a lot of friends.He can look forward to a raise because he has done all the things necessary to earn.That is what a really good salesman I mean.
湖北省2017届高三英语二轮复习 第1模块 多项选择 专题1 名词(课件)
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2017高考英语听力素材VOA:Go English(word文档)ge023c
2017高考英语一轮复习学案人教版必修一unit 4
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2017高考英语听力素材VOA:Go English(word文档)ge024a
陕西省2017届高三英语二轮复习解题指要:阅读理解 专题1 任务型阅读(人教版同步)
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2017高考英语听力素材VOA:Go English(word文档)ge024b
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