高考英语作文:How To Control The Population-查字典英语网
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高考英语作文:How To Control The Population

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Chinahas a large population, the worlds most population is here. Even though our government has carried out the policy of Family Plan many years ago, the population is still increasing that our economy is lagging behindAmericaand other developed countries. In order to improve citizens life level, the population must be control. People should have the consciousness that having many kids is not a good choice, giving a good birth and giving good care are the best way to raise kids, so Family Plan is a good policy, people should carry out. Whats more, raising only a kid means you have more time and money to enjoy life. If you raise more, all of your life you just keep worrying about the kids and ignore what you really want. The European has made a good example, they enjoy their life so much. Family Plan is good policy to control the population.



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