假设你校举办看图征文活动,题目为How to Protect Our Eyesight。请你用英语写一篇短文,指出图中所反映的现象,并从阅读时间、光线、眼睛保健操及睡眠等方面,谈谈保护视力的具体做法。
How to Protect Our Eyesight
How to Protect Our Eyesight
Millions of people worldwide have bad eyesight. In my class,most of my classmates are short-sighted and they wear thick glasses. The poor eyesight is becoming more and more an obstacle to our future. How can we protect our eyesight to let it stop getting worth?I have four suggestions.
First of all,we should not keep reading for too much time. Recent researches revealed that relaxing for 5 minutes every an hours reading helped resuming our eyesight. Secondly,never read at places where are not bright enough. Reading in the gloom hurts a lot. Thirdly,having eye excises in break time helps relaxing our eyes. Finally,get enough sleeping to let your eyes get a good rest.
More than 90% of information is got through our eyes. Take good care of them and never let them hurt.