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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  一. 单句改错:

  1. Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesnt know whom to turn.

  2. Goodbye, then, she said, without even looking down from her book.

  3. He was grown up in the countryside, so he knows a lot about farmers.

  4. If we can go over our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.

  5. --- Have you got up with some new ideas?

  --- Yeah. Ill tell you later.

  二. 用所给动词的适当短语填空:

  1. give

  1) You must finish your papers before 12:30, when they shall be _________.

  2) He doesnt only ____________ money; he spends his whole life in looking after the poor.

  3) The gas _____________ an unpleasant smell.

  4) Finally he was persuaded to ______________ smoking.

  5) The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was __ on the radio yesterday.

  2. get

  1) Hardly could he ____________ this amount of work in such a short time.

  2) It is going to rain. Can you ___________ the clothes for me?

  3) It took me an hour to get intention _______ to her.

  4) I am afraid I didnt ___________ well with my studies.

  5) ---The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

  ---Dont worry.We have already _____________ two thirds of it.

  3. take

  1) I wont __________ much of your time.

  2) When shall I __________ my new duties?

  3) He has ___________ Spanish recently.

  4) The young politician __________ the leadership of the party.

  5) I will ___________ your number and ask him to call you back.

  6) Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026___________ at 18:20.

  4. turn

  1) ___________ the light before you go out.

  2) A big wave ___________ the fishing boat. Luckily, no one was injured.

  3) I neednt have taken my umbrella, because it __________ to be a fine day.

  4) To my delight, the key I lost __________ the other day.

  5) Believe it or not, Tom is the right person you can __________ when you are in trouble.

  6) He is very discouraging because every time he offers some help to her, it will be __________.

  5. break

  1) I was still sleeping when the fire __________ , and then it spread quickly.

  2) The car __________ on the way again.

  3) The young man was so impolite that he kept __________ with silly questions.

  4) Their friends all wondered what ___________ their marriage?

  5) The poor man had his house ____________ last night.

  6. put

  1) Never ___________ until tomorrow what you can do today.

  2) ____________ your toys and lets have dinner.

  3) Youd better ___________ your coat before going out. Its so cold outside.

  4) The toy car was pulled down. Can you _____ it _____ again?

  5) Mother __________ all the lights before going to bed.

  7. go

  1) --- Do you think that housing price will keep __________ in the years to come? Many people cant afford it.

  --- Sorry, I have no idea.

  2) We were all tired out, so we couldnt ___________.

  3) Suddenly all the lights ___________, and it was all dark.

  4) ---- Didn't you have a good time at the party?

  ---- Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _________ so quickly.

  5) The poor girl has __________ such a lot since her parents died.

  6) ---Could I use your dictionary?

  ---Sure, __________.

  7) Whoever __________ nature will be punished by it.

  8. make

  1) She has grown up and I cant ______ her ______ any more.

  2) Culturl exchange __________ better understanding.

  3) Mother was skillfully _______ her coat ______ my skirt.

  4) He says he will get up at six tomorrow morning, but hell never __________.

  5) The group is ____________ 6 experts and 20 students.

  9. come

  1) Tell me how the accident ___________ last night.

  2) I __________ an old friend of mine at the station yesterday.

  3) It's already 10 o'clock I wonder how it _______ that she is two hours late on such a short trip.

  4) These customs have __________ to us through many a generation.

  5) You have ____________ a good idea.


  一. 1. turn 后加to 2. down---up 3. grownbrought 4. goget 5. gotcome

  二. 1. given in; give away; gives off; given out

  2. get through; get in; get across; get on; get through

  3. take up; take on; taken up; took over; take down; takes off

  4. Turn off; turned over; turned out; turned up; turn to; turned down

  5. broke out; broke down; breaking in; broke up; broken into

  6. put off; Put away; put on; puttogether; put out

  7. going up; go on; went out; go by; gone through; go ahead; goes against

  8. make makes for; making into; make it; made up of

  9. came about; came across; comes out; come down; come up with


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