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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  had better (not) do 最好;较聪明地

  had rather 宁愿

  half an hour 半小时

  hand down 把传下来; 传给后世,交给

  hand in 面交 ,递交 ,提出

  hand in hand 手拉手,携手;与相伴

  hand on 依次传递, 传阅

  hand out 散发; 分发; 不断地提出

  hand over 送交, 移交, 缴, 交代,

  hand sth down from generation to generation 把一代一代传下去

  hang about 闲荡;聚在临近,徘徊,逗留

  hang back 犹豫,踌躇,畏缩

  hang on 紧握住,等待,坚持,依靠,取决于

  hang up 挂断电话,挂起,晾晒

  happen on/upon 偶然发现,偶然相遇

  happen to sb./sth. 遭到,遇到

  happen to 碰巧,正好

  hardlywhen 刚就, 一就

  hate to do sth/hate doing sth憎恨做某事

  have a bath 洗澡

  have a break 休息一会儿

  have a cold 感冒

  have a connection with和有关/联系

  have a fever 发烧

  have a gift for有的天赋

  have a good time(in) doing sth做某事很开心

  have a hand in 参与, 沾手

  have a hard time(in) doing sth做某事很辛苦

  have a headache 头疼

  have a long way to go 还有很长的路

  have a look (at) 看一下, 看看

  have a reputation for 以出名, 以见称, 享有的美名

  have a rest 休息, 休息一下

  have a sleep 睡觉, 睡一觉

  have a try 试试, 尝尝

  have a walk 散步, 出去走走

  have a word in ones ear 给某人说悄悄话

  have a word with 和说句话

  have access to 可以到达;可以使用;有接触、进入、使用的机会(或权利)

  have advantages over 比更有优势, 胜过

  have an appetite for 渴求,喜爱

  have an effect/influence on 对有影响

  have an eye for对有鉴赏力,有眼力

  have an idea of 知道

  have bother(in) doing sth做某事费劲

  have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

  have classes 上课

  have contacts with 和有联系/接触

  have difficulty/trouble(in) doing 做某事有困难

  have done with 做完;用毕,结束

  have faith in 依赖; 信赖; 指靠

  have fun 玩, 耍笑, 玩耍, 嬉戏,

  have fun with 跟一起玩

  have luck (in) doing sth做某事时有运气(走运)

  have mercy on sb 对怜悯,开恩,可怜,饶

  have need to do sth. 必须做某事

  have no choice but to do 除了别无选择, 只好, 不得不

  have no idea 没谱儿,不知道

  have no idea of 不知道 一点不知道

  have nothing to do with 与无关; 风马牛不相及

  have on 穿

  have ones own way 自有一套办法

  have pity /mercy on 可怜某人, 对怜悯

  have problem(in) doing sth做某事有困难

  have sb. do sth, 使做

  have sports 参加体育运动

  have sth /sb doing 允许做

  have sth done 把给人,把被

  have sth to do with 与有关

  have sympathy for 同情某人

  have to do with 与有关;和打交道

  have to 必须,不得不,

  have word 得到信息

  have words with someone 和某人争吵

  have/keep /bearin mind 考虑,想到

  havein common 有相同之处

  havein common with 和有共同之处

  head first 头向前地;冒冒失失地

  head for 向去

  head off 把引导别的方向去, 防止,避免

  head on 迎面地,正面地

  hear about 听到;听说

  hear from 接到的来信

  hear of 听说; 同意, 允许

  hear sb. out 听某人把话讲完

  heart and soul 全心全意地, 真心诚意地

  help (to) do 有助于, 促进

  help oneself to 自取所需(食物等)

  help out 帮助解决难题,帮助摆脱困境;补助

  help with 帮忙

  help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

  here and now 此时此地; 现在;立刻;马上

  here and there 到处,各处,零落散布地

  hold a meeting 开个会

  hold a sports meet 举行运动会

  hold back 阻挡,抑制;踌躇,退缩;隐瞒,保守

  hold down 阻止上涨;抑制,控制;保持住(工作等)

  hold in 约束,抑制

  hold off 推迟,拖延;阻止,阻挡住

  hold office 担任公职

  hold on 等一会儿,不挂短;抓住不放,坚持住

  hold on to (hold onto)紧紧抓住

  hold one's breath 屏住呼吸

  hold one's head high 昂首,趾高气昂

  hold out 伸出 伸长;提出;提供;坚持,不屈服,不退让

  hold together 团结一致,同心协力; 连在一起

  hold up 举起;抬起;支持住, 阻挡

  hold up ones head 抬起头来, 扬眉吐气

  hope for 希望;期待

  hope for the best 不丧失希望, 抱乐观态度

  housing conditions 住房情况, 居住条件

  how about 怎么样

  how come 为何会,为什么

  how far 多远,到什么程度

  how long 多久

  how many 多少

  how much longer还要多久

  how much 多少, 多么

  how often 多久一次

  how old 几岁, 多大

  how soon 多快, 多久

  human being 人,人类

  human race 人,人类

  hundreds of 许许多多(好几百); 数以百计

  hunt for 寻找, 找

  hurry off 匆匆离开,赶快去

  hurry up 赶快


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