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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. The boy __________ ____(使鼓起)his chest by breathing deeply.

  2. I found the _______________(结论)of the film very moving.

  3. The judge _____________(决定,判断)that the prisoner was guity.

  4. 瞄准,目标是___________________

  5. 把目标对准某人/某物__________________________________

  6. 旨在做某事________________________________

  7. 无某地的________________________________

  8. My first _________(aim, goal, object) was to receive a completeandgood education.

  9. His ___________(aim, goal, object)in life is to become scientist.

  10. The____________(aim, goal, object) of my visit is to ask for your advice.

  11. 一件设备_____________________________

  12. Our classroom _____________________________(配备) a TV set and tape recorder.

  13. How did he____________________(反应) your suggestion?

  14. What was her ________________(反应)to the news?

  15. His abilities were hardly above the _________________(ordinary, common, usual, normal).

  16. That morning he came earlier than _______________(ordinary, common, usual, normal), for it was not an ________________(ordinary, common, usual, normal) day.

  17. 37 is the_____________________(ordinary, common, usual, normal) temperature of the human body.

  18. He _______________________(应该,应当) be an expert in this field.

  19. 使整齐;使有条理________________________________________________

  20. 有序的_____________________________

  21. 无序的__________________________________

  22. 井然有序___________________________________

  23. 乱七八糟________________________________

  24. 奉的命令;根据的指示____________________________________________

  25. 与某人订购某物_________________________________________________________

  26. 为了

  27. keepout of

  28. keep (sb) away (from sth)_____________________________

  29. keep sb from doing sth_____________________________________

  30. keep back______________________________________________________

  31. keep sth. in mind___________________________________________

  32. keep in touch with______________________________________________

  33. keep (on)doing sth. ______________________________________________

  34. keep off______________________________________________________

  35. keep up_________________________________________

  36. keep up with______________________________________

  37. keep to_______________________________________________

  38. be used to(doing) sth. ________________________________

  39. be used to do sth. _____________________________________

  40. be used for sth. /doing sth. __________________________________

  答 案

  1. expanded

  2. conclusion

  3. concluded

  4. aim at

  5. take aim at sb. / sth.

  6. aim to do sth.

  7. without aim

  8. aim

  9. goal

  10. object

  11. a piece of equipment

  12. is equipped with

  13. react to

  14. reaction

  15. ordinary

  16. ussual;ordinary

  17. normal

  18. was supposed to

  19. put sth. in order

  20. in order

  21. out of order

  22. in good order

  23. in bad order

  24. by order of

  25. place an order with sb. for sth.

  26. in order to

  27. 防止进入

  28. 使(某人)离开(某物)

  29. 阻止某人做某事

  30. 阻止,抑制;忍住;隐瞒

  31. 记住(某物)

  32. 与保持联系

  33. 继续做某事

  34. 远离,避开, 让开

  35. 保持,维持

  36. 跟上

  37. 坚持,保持,不离开

  38. 习惯于(做)某事

  39. 被用来做某事

  40. 被用来做


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