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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  ①She was disturbed about her mothers sudden illness.

  ②She was disturbed to hear of her mothers sudden illness.

  ③She was disturbed by the news of her mothers sudden illness.

  ④Don t disturb the sleeping child / ones plan / the public peace.

  ⑤Don t disturbed the papers on my desk.

  ①I am sorry to trouble / disturb you , but do you think you could call me back later?

  ②Can I trouble you with one more question?

  ③She was troubled by the news of her mothers illness.

  ①Dont interrupt the speaker ; ask your question after the meeting .

  ②Dont interrupt me while I am busy.


  ①The boy seated at the table and began to eat. (改错)

  ②Several tall students were seated at the back of the classroom. (改错)

  ③He was buried in thoughts when I knocked at the door. (改错)

  ④I found him seating in front of the room. (改错)


  ①Everyone is eager for success / knowledge.

  ②He is too eager to return his hometown.

  ③These doctors are anxious for /about his health.

  ④He is anxious to know his test result.


  ①He did a great wrong to Ms Green when he left her house without telling her.

  ②Doing morning exercise does good to you.

  类似:①对有好处____________ ② 对有害处__________ /_____________

  ③帮某人一个忙_____________/ ____________ ④做好事______________

  ③You must know the wrong to which you have done her. (改错)

  ④He was done wrongly because he was wrong punished for no good reason. (改错)


  ①I shall do everything in my power to help you.

  ②The two parties came to power by turns.

  ③The boy gathers all his strength to stand up.

  ④By his strength of will, he overcame his illness.

  ⑤He opened the door by force

  ⑥Heat is a form of energy.

  ⑦Children usually have too much energy so that they do not keep still.


  ①Don t punish the boy for no good reason.

  ②He had to give up teaching for the reason of health.

  ③for no reason _______________________________

  ④for some reason _______________________________

  ⑤for no good reason _______________________________


  ①He attended her in hospital.

  ②You must attend to your work and sop talking.

  ③Yesterday I attended a important meeting .

  ④There are said to be two experts doctors attending on the wounded soldiers.


  ①He suffered a broken leg in the accident. ① ______________________________

  ②We suffered huge losses in the battle. ② ______________________________

  ③I suffer from hunger / headaches / cold and hunger / the losses of money


  ①At the news, the whole country was in deep sorrow (悲哀)

  ②He was frightened at the sight

  ③He turned red with anger. /anger / pleasure /pride

  ④The children jumped up with joy.

  ⑤He made the mistake through his carelessness.

  ⑥He was put into prison through no fault of his own

  ⑦The boy became ill through eating too much.


  ①One murderer was sentenced to three years in prison and the other was sentenced to death.

  ②The thief received a sentence of 5 years in prison.


  ①They had the girl sentence to death.

  ②He was sentenced for six months in prison.


  ①On hearing someone crying for help , he rushed out of his office.

  ②On reaching the classroom, he began to study.

  表示 一就..




  ①On arriving at the station, he found his friend waiting to meet him.

  ②On his arrival in the city , he called at the old house which he used to live in with his father.


  ①The two young people have been in love with each other for18 years.

  ②The first time Tom met the girl, he fell in love with her.


  ①We arrived early at the station to make sure of getting a ticket.

  ②Can you make sure of success?


  l 表示推测的情态动词 _____________________________

  l 对现在情况的推测:

  l 对过去情况的推测:

  情态动词 + 不定式完成式






  ①I would love ____ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

  A, to B, having gone C, going D, to have gone

  ②--- I stayed at hotel while in New York.

  --- Oh , did you? You _________ with Barbara.

  A, could have stayed B, could stay C, would stay D, must have stayed

  ③There was plenty of time ,she _______.

  A, mustnt have hurried B, couldnt have hurried

  C, must not hurry D, neednt have hurried

  ④Tom ought not to ____ me your secret, but he meant no harm.

  A, have told B, tell C, be telling D, having told

  ⑤I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I ___ for her.

  A, had to write it out B, must have written it out

  C, should have written it out D, ought to write it out

  ⑥----There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.

  ---- It ____ a comfortable journey.

  A, cant B, shouldnt be C,mustnt have been D, couldnt have been


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