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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1,this /that

  ask for this much ①Do you think the problem of pollution is _______ _______ (如此严重)

  wait this long ②I didnt expect the weather was _______ ________ (这么冷)

  jump that high

  2,need/ dare

  ①You neednt to rewrite the composition , it is well written.

  ②Need I telephone him now ? No, you mustnt.

  ③If you need to hold a meeting to discuss the matter, I ll give you a help.

  ④She doesnt need to test her eyesight.

  ⑤He has never dared to trouble me .

  ⑥He is a beginner .He dares not speak English in public.

  ⑦Dare you to jump down?

  (dare/ need)

  ①You ______ not come to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

  ②You dont _________ to go there if you have no time.

  ③Having broken a vase , the boy stood still without ________ raise his head.

  ④I wonder how he _________ to say that to the teacher.

  3. whats worse------- worse still , to make things worse, to make the matter worse, even worse

  whats more

  ①Its a useful tool, and __________ , its cheap.

  ②______________, some people were badly hurt.

  ③It began to rain , and _____________ we lost our way in the forest.

  ④He is very clever, ____________ he works hard.

  4, order

  ①The doctor ____ him ______ ______ in bed for a couple of days. (嘱咐他卧床)

  ②The doctor ordered that he ______ _______ (stay) in bed for a couple of days.

  ③Everything is ______ ______ in his room. ( 井然有序)

  ④We ____ an order ______ 234 pairs of shoes ________ that factory. (向。。。。订购)

  ⑤They _____ ____ _______that they _______ _____( march前进) on at night.(接到命令)

  5, depend on

  ①I may go home to spend holidays , but _________________ (看情况)

  ②All living things _______ _________ the sun for their growth. (依靠)

  ③You cant _______ ______ him______ help you. (依靠他来帮你)

  ④Whether well go climbing _________ ______ the weather. (依靠)

  ⑤This _______ ________ _______ my wife will deal with the problem. (依靠我妻子如何。。。。)

  6, favor

  ①Will you ____________ me a favor, please?

  A, give B, make C, do D, bring

  (改错) ①Would you please do me favour ?

  ②Will you do a favor to me ?

  ③Please do me a favor to take this letter to him .

  7, ago / before (改错)

  ①He has never studied Russian ago.

  ②When did you have a meeting ? Three days before.

  ③The shop had opened only the week ago.

  ④I started working in this company three years before.

  ⑤She said that she had graduated from a university three years ago.

  ⑥My family have never seen an elephant ago.

  8, apologize/ apology

  ①The captain _________ an apology t the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather .

  A, made B, said C, put D, passed

  ②I must ______ ____ _____ _____ him _______ ______ _____ to his party.


  ③Our government ________ an immediate ________ ________ the United States.


  ④I_____ ______ you for ______ _____ for work again. (我向你道歉因为没有要求工作)

  ⑤---- I must apologize ______ ahead of time. ---- That s all right.

  A. letting you not know B, not letting you know C, letting you know not D, letting not you know

  9, judge

  ①A teacher shouldnt ____ his students only______ their marks in exams. (只凭。。。。判别)

  ②We _____ her _____ . We judge her ______ _________ ________. (我们断定他很诚实)

  ③_______ ________ his looks , he maybe sick. ( 从他的外表看)

  10, possible / likely / probable

  l It is possible to do sth

  l It is possible for sb to do sth

  l It is possible that .

  l It is probable that . ( 不与 not 连用)

  l It is likely that.

  l Sb /sth is likely to do sth

  11, ※


  be a great blow to sb

  give sb a heavy blow on the head

  12, strike

  u The teacher _____________ the table whenever he was angry. (敲)

  u The clock has just_______ twelve. 钟声刚过

  u What __________ us most was the great number of bicycles on the street. 给。。。印象

  u I am ____________ by Annies honesty. 被诚实所打动

  u Hs cousin was said to be ____________ by a snake. (咬)

  u Workers often ____________ in that country. ( 罢工)

  13, anxious /eager

  be anxious to do sth be eager to do sth

  ① be anxious about ② be eager for (after, about ) your help

  be anxious for be eager about peace

  14, 没有必要做谋事

  l There be no need (for sb) to do sth

  l It be not necessary (for sb ) to do sth

  l 主语 + dont / doesnt / didnt have to do sth

  l 主语 + neednt + 动词原形

  l As far as

  l Anything of interest/ anything interesting

  l The days of MaoZedong

  l Get a wonderful view

  l Be pleased with

  l Dont have to do sth / neednt do sth /dont need to do sth

  l Go ahead

  l Burn down

  l Give up

  l Be used to doing sth Be used to do sth Used todo

  l Be compared to be compared with

  l Get into the habit of

  15, 祈使句 + and (then, and then) you (we)..

  祈使句 + or ( or else, otherwise ) you (we)

  改错: ① Be active , you will have the chance.

  ②If you have a good rest, and you will be all right

  ③Work hard, or you will pass the examination

  16, Do / would you mind if..


  me/ my doing .

  ①Do you mind if I ____________ (turn ) on the light ?

  ②Would you mind if I ____________( open) the door ?

  ③Do you mind _____________ (我) taking this seat?

  ④Would you mind _____________ (offer ) him another chance ?

  17, I wonder if 是一种用来表示委婉、客气地提出请求的常见句型。

  ①I wonder if I can /could watch TV now . __________________________________



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