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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1, throw up

  throw down

  throw away

  throw off

  throw out

  1, This is your last chance to go abroad for further education, dont ______ it away.

  ( take / keep / put / throw)

  2, The smell of the paint almost made me ____

  A , throw up B, sick C, to get ill D, A or B

  2. ?Knock .Out of 从.中敲打出来, 击败某人,使退出

  ?Knock over 打翻

  ?Knock into sb 撞在某人身上

  ?Knock into 把插进

  ?Knock down 拆掉(除),撞掉

  ?Knock at (on) 敲..

  ?Knock against sth. 撞到.上

  3, The car ran so fast that it knock against a tree.

  4, He almost knocked into me before he saw me .

  3, ?By accident 意外地

  ?By any chance 万一

  ?By chance (accident) 偶然

  ?By hard work 以苦干

  ?By effort 努力

  ?By force 用武力

  ?By mistake 错误的

  ?mistake sth for.. 把.误认为

  l I am sorry to have taken your umbrella ___ ,because I mistook it _____mine.

  A, for mistake, as B, with mistake, with

  C, by mistake ,for D, out of mistake ,about

  4 , Be(get )used to/ look forward to / give lessons to / devote oneself to / turn to /refer to/ lead to后接名词,代词,或动词的 ing形式。1,They ______ _______ _____ ______ the safety of the passengers. (很少注意)

  2,Special attention should ______ ______ ________the problem of air pollution. (特别注意)

  3, we should pay attention to ____________ people living conditions. (提高)

  拓展: call sbs attention to sth 叫某人注意某事

  attract (draw) sbs attention 吸引某人的注意

  5, Must 表示必须,肯定,强调说话人的主观意志,常用于命令,叮嘱或其他正式场合,因它没有过去式,表示过去必须 用had to 。在表推测意义时,只用于肯定式。

  l Must be .

  l Must be doing sth

  l Must have done

  6, Should 意为 应该 多指主观上有责任,有义务干某事,语气比 must 稍弱,也比 ought to弱。在实际应用中,很少去区别should / ought to 意义区别。

  l should have done

  I should have helped you, but I was so busy.

  l should + 动词原形-------也表推测意味

  1, We should speak more English.

  2, Everyone should know some first aid.

  7, Ought to 应该 常指有义务,责任作某事,语气比should 强烈否定式为 ought not to +动词原形.

  l Ought to have done

  l You ought not to write so carelessly.

  l Oughtnt we to give him a chance to try?

  Have to 不得不 ,表示客观的必要性。Have to 可以和情态动词连用。如, will have to, 其否定式 dont have to =neednt.

  l You dont have to (neednt) say that .

  l You mustnt move someone if the person is badly hurt.

  l My watch doesnt work. There must be something wrong with it.

  1, You ___ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

  A, cant B, mustnt C, neednt D, may not

  2, A computer ___ think for itself; it must be told what to do.

  A, cant B, couldnt C, may not D, might not

  3, Johnny, you ___ play with the knife; you ___ hurt yourself.

  A, wont, cant B, mustnt, may C, shouldnt D, cant , should

  4,----Should I tell John about it?

  ---- No ,you ____. Ive told him already.

  A, neednt B, wouldnt C, mustnt D, shouldnt

  5, Jenny ___ with him at that time, for I was having dinner with her in my home.

  A, cant have been B, mustnt have been C, must be D, may be

  6, When reading, you____ look up every new word you meet.

  A, dont have to B, mustnt C, dont need D, may not

  7, Jenny ____ have kept his word, I wonder why she changed her mind.

  A, must B, should C, need D, would

  8, We _____last night ,but we went to the concert instead.

  A, must have studied B, studied C, should have studied D, would study

  9, Its nearly seven oclock, Jack___ be here at any moment.

  A, must B, need C, should D, can

  10, I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I ____ for her.

  A, had to write it out B, must have written it out

  C, should have written it out D, ought to write it out

  11, --When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

  -- They ___ be ready by 12:oo .

  A, can B, should C , might D, need

  12, --- I cant find my pen. --- You ______ it in the classroom.

  A, must leave B, must forget C, must have forgotten D,must have left

  13, --- I told him the secret. ---- ___________.

  A, You must not have done that B, You ought not to have done that

  C, Why didnt you D, I am sorry to hear that

  14, You are late. You _____ here earlier.

  A, should come B, ought to come C, should have come D, ought have come

  8, Happen

  (1) Happen to do sth / to have done / to be doing(主语常是人)碰巧,恰好

  ①You happened to ________ _______ reading the book. (已经完成)

  ②She happened to _______ __________ when I came to her house. (出去)

  ③The two sales men happened to _______ ________ when the manager entered. (正在吵架)

  (2) It (so) happen that.(如此)碰巧,恰好

  ①_______ __________ ___________ that he was going that way too.

  ②__________ ___________that he is a teacher of English.

  (3) Happen to sb /sth 某人/某物出事,发生了.

  ____________ has happened to your hand?

  Be careful not to let anything _____________ to that child.

  1, --- We havent heard from Jane for a long time.

  --- What do you suppose ____ to her?

  A, was happening B, to happen C, has happened D, having happened

  2, They happened to ____ for Tianjin when we got there.

  A, leave B, have left C, leaving D, had left

  3, If anything ____ you, let me know.

  A, is happened to B, is happening C, happens on D, happens to

  4, I happened to have no money with me .

  ____ happened _____ I ____ no money with m


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