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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1, All the year round

  All day long

  All night long

  All the time

  2, Average 可用作名词,平均数,一般水平


  平均工资 The ______________ of the pay

  姑娘 的平均年 The __________ age of the girls

  平均气温 The ______________ temperature

  平均以上/ 以下 Above /below the ________________

  ②按平均数计算 On (the/ an) average

  ① 这个厂的工人平均每月收入700元。

  ______ _______ , one worker in this factory gets 700 yuan every month.

  ② 4,5,6,9的平均数是6。

  _______ _______ of 4,5,6,9 is 6

  ③ 我们班女同学的平均年龄为15。

  The ________ age of the girls in our class is 15.

  ④ 你们地区冬季的平均气温是多少?

  Whats _____ ________ temperature in your area in winter?

  ⑤ 他的功课一般以上。

  He is _______ the average in his lesson.

  3, 表示态度、语气的短语归纳

  诚实地说来 Honestly speaking

  一般说来 __________ speaking

  就我个人而言 __________ speaking

  严格说来 ___________ speaking

  说实话 __________ tell you the truth

  老实说 __________ be honest

  信不信由你 ___________ it or not

  从他的口音来判断 __________ from his appearance

  4, 表示不同,区别

  ①_________ the difference between A and B 辨别A与B

  ② _________ A from B 辨别A与B

  ③________ be some _____________ between A and B


  ④________ _________ _________between A and B


  ⑤Do sth ________from 做起某事与.不同

  ⑥A be different _____ B A与B不同

  ⑦_______ sb/ sth deferent from 使某人/事不同于.

  ⑧________ no difference 无关紧要

  5, refer

  可用做及物动词, 用于referto将提交给 注意:

  可用做不及物动词, ①提到 ②查阅 ③参考 Refer to the dictionary.

  ④与有关 . 用于refer to Look up a word in the dictionary

  Look up a word in the dictionary

  Refer to指语言、内容与某人(物)有关

  Point to 用手指向某人(物)


  I didnt know whom she was ______ _______


  She _____ __ the map and explained to the students.

  1, I suggest that you ___ maps when you learn geography.

  A, referred to B, refer to C, pointed D, point to

  2, The girl __________ forward to buying a new gold watch.

  A, referred to look B, referred to looking C, referred to looks D, referring to looks

  3,The professor ____ at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.

  A. referred B, referred to C. referring D, referring to

  4,when he made a speech there , he often ___ his notes.

  A. looked up to B, referred to C. asked for D, picked out

  5, What I have to say ___ all of you.

  A, to refer B, refers C, referrs D, refers to

  6, exploit

  ①利用(make use of) ②开发 (develop)


  1,You must _______ chance to learn new things.


  2,They tried every means to __________ the oil under the sea.


  3,We must _________our rich resources _______ the development of our industry.

  7, spare


  _______________________________( 业余时间)

  ________________( 为我抽出几分钟时间)

  spare time for a holiday


  spare him a little oil ______________________

  8, make (good /full) use of 充分利用

  1,Their demand is the good use we ____ our spare time for our study of science and technology.

  A. make from B, make of C, make out D, make into

  2, Every minute is made full ___ of ____ our lessons well.

  A, to use ; study B, use ; to study C, studying D, used ; studying

  3, They began to consider ____ could be made of it.

  A, what use B, using C, how it D,what it

  9, struggle

  Struggle against ----- fight against 和.斗争

  Struggle for ---- fight for /

  struggle with---- fight with 为.而斗争 , 和斗争

  struggle to do sth. 努力争取去做

  1, The revolutionaries struggle ____ the freedom of all the people.

  A, for B. with C. against d. to

  2, They struggled ____ the strong wind and finally reached the village.

  A, for B, with C, against D, to

  3, Man has to struggle ____ pollution.

  A, with B, to C, for D, of

  4, Everyone has to face the struggle _____existence(生存).

  A, for B, with c, against D, to

  10, Clear

  1, 用作形容词,清楚的,明白的 2, 用作动词,清除,清理,使干净

  in a clear voice clear ones room / table/ a street

  be clear about sth clear away the waste

  be clear to sb.

  make ones meaning clear 3,clear up

  make it clear that. ① 表示 清理,收拾, 解决

  It be clear that ② 表示 (天气)转晴

  ③ 表示 露出喜悦的心情

  1, 他对下一步干什么十分清楚

  She is ____ ____ what to do next.

  2. 很清楚敌人是不会放弃他们的 计划的。

  ___ ___ ___ that the enemy wouldnt give up their plan.

  3, 他明确表示他要离职。

  He ____ ___ ___ that he would leave office.

  4, 在离开办公室以前,请把你的桌子整理一下。

  ___ ___ your desk before you leave the office.


  1. no less than

  rather than


  more than


  together with

  but ( except , besides , including)

  as well as




  the rest

  all / a part / some of

  most / a lot / lots

  plenty / part

  3. each, any

  many a, every

  the number of

  either; neither

  noand no

  eachand each

  everyand each


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