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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1, A 地 +be + yards /meters /miles to (from) + B地

  ①Our school is ___________________ the station. (远离二里地)

  ②________________________________(离旅店大约十五里) our hotel to the coast

  2 Excuse me .can you tell me (how to get to ) the way to..?

  Excuse me, can you show me the way to./ how can I get to .





  3, 祈使句 + and (then, and then) you (we)..

  祈使句 + or ( or else, otherwise ) you (we)

  改错: ① Be active , you will have the chance.

  ②If you have a good rest, and you will be all right

  ③Work hard, or you will pass the examination

  4, Do / would you mind if..


  me/ my doing .

  ①Do you mind if I ____________ (turn ) on the light ?

  ②Would you mind if I ____________( open) the door ?

  ③Do you mind _____________ (我) taking this seat?

  ④Would you mind _____________ (offer ) him another chance ?

  5, I wonder if 是一种用来表示委婉、客气地提出请求的常见句型。

  ①I wonder if I can /could watch TV now . __________________________________



  1, take along,

  ①why dont you _______ _______ your mother to the concert? ( 带.)

  ②The map on the wall is too old. ______ _____ ______. ( 取下来 )

  ③Sorry , I _____ _____ what I said just now. (收回.)

  ④I ______ him _______ my younger brother. (把当成.)

  2, go ahead

  go ahead on (with)

  ahead of

  ahead of time

  ①They have completed thee design three weeks _______ _____ time. (提前)

  ②She arrived two hours _________ _________me. ( 早到 )

  ③May I take this seat? ________ ________ (请坐)

  ④He _______ ______ to see what had happened. (朝前走去)

  3, admit , advise, consider , delay , enjoy , excuse , escape, finish, forbid , imagine keep , mind , miss , practise , suggest, understand

  4, insist on , think of , give up, dream of , hear of, depend on , feel like , devote to , be used to , cant help , prevent..from , look forward to , put off be worth

  1) The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ____________

  A/ catching B. to be caught C, being caught D, to catch

  2 ) Only one of these books is ______________

  A/ worth to read B, worth being read C, worth of reading D, worth reading

  3) I really enjoy _________ that kind of job.

  A/ do B, doing C, to do D, to be doing

  4) what are you going to do this morning? I m thinking of __________ to visit my aunt .

  A/ go B, going C, having gone D, my going

  5) We agree _____________ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.

  A/ having met B, meeting C, to meet D, to have met

  6) She pretended __________ me when I passed by.

  A/ not to see B, not seeing C, to not see D, having not seen

  7) Little Jim should love_____________ to the theatre this evening.

  A/ to be taken b/ to take C, being take D, taking

  5, in the hope of

  have the hope of.

  There be hope of


  ①He went there _______ _______ ________ _______ ______ some fresh fish.

  ②He went there______ _______ ________ ________he could buy some fresh fish.

  ③He went there ________ _________ ________ some fresh fish.

  6, imagine

  ①You cant imagine _______ ________ on the island. (生活)

  ②She never imagined ______________ abroad for further education. (他出国)

  ③You cant imagine ______ ______ ________ _____ those days. (他多么着急)

  ④The boy imagined ________ _______ _________ a hero. (自己是一个)

  ⑤I can hardly imagine Peter _____________ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.

  A, sail B, to sail C, sailing D, to have sailed

  6, open

  (1) John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes __________.

  A, Open B, to be opened C, to open D, opening

  (2) Some new oilfields __________ since 1976

  A, were opened up B, has been opened up C, have been opened up D, had been opened up

  (3) The computer center, ___________ last year, is very poplar among the students in this school.

  A, open B, opening C, having opened D, opened

  7, as (so) far as

  as so long as

  as well as

  as good as

  ①They have _________ ________ _______ promised to help us. (事实上)

  ②Painted, this bike is _________ ________ _________ a new one .


  ③Xiao Li speaks English _______ _________ ______she speaks Chinese.


  ④He ______ ________ _______ his parents is kind to me .


  ⑤After supper we walked ______ __________ _______ the foot of the hill.


  ⑥_____ ______ ______ I know, he ll be away for two months。


  ⑦_____ ________ ________ you work hard , you ll succeed in time.


  ⑧This newlybuilt bridge is said to be ______ _______ ______ the old one .


  7, be pleased

  be satisfied

  be busy

  be careful

  be connected with (sb/sth)

  be patient

  be strict

  be wrong

  ①As a teacher you should _______ _______ _____your students. (有耐心)

  ②Both husband and wife_____ _______ ______ their work. (忙于)

  8, in the past few years

  ①Many factories were built in the past ten yeas in my hometown.

  ②Both my father and mother have been busty since the past few weeks.

  9, reduce

  ①The number of smokers has been reduced ________30%

  ②Now the cost of a bike has been reduced ___________ 56 dollars

  10, chance

  give sb a chance

  have a chance to do sth

  miss a chance

  lose a chance

  the chance is that. ( the chances are.)

  11, ask for permission

  ask sb for permission to do sth

  ask permission to do sth

  give sb permission to do sth

  with ones permission

  without ones permission

  ① No permission has ______for anybody to enter the building

  A, been given B, given C, to give D, be giving


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