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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. ________(旅游业)has brought much money to the mountain village. 1____________

  2. The meat in the bowl ________(变)bad because of the hot weather. 2____________

  3. The students need to be able to read ________(积极地)and thoughtfully. 3____________

  4. He was ________(守时的) for breakfast. 4____________

  5. The ________(女)doctors in this hospital are very kind o to the patients. 5____________

  6. Her cheeks burned; she was fearfully ________(口渴). 6____________

  7. I have no idea how long the walk ________(实际上)took. 7____________

  8. Students visited the war________(纪念碑). 8____________.

  9. Miss Green lives on the _______(十二)floor. We'd better take the lift. 9____________

  10.________(相比)with other women, she was really lucky to get such a good job. 10____________

  Keys: 1.Tourism 2.went 3.actively 4.punctual 5.women

  6.thirsty 7.actually 8.memorial 9.twelfth 10.Compared


  1. The computer is one of the most important_________(发明) in this century. 1____________

  2.How much liquid do you think this bottle_________(容纳). 2-___________

  3. He works in the government. We say he is an o_________. 3____________

  4. Smoking is f_________ at the gas station. 4____________

  5. Parents shouldn't always tell children what to do and how to do it.

   They should be encouraged to be i_________ thinkers. 5____________

  6. The teacher criticized him because he didn't come to school for no p_________ reason. 6____________

  7. Since Eric listened to the talk about space, he has d________ and interest in science. 7.____________

  8. The City Government of Wuhan has just begun a new p_________

   to build a tunnel(隧道)through the Yangtze River 8___________

  9. The old gentleman put on his glasses, u_________ the letters and began to read it. 9___________

  10.She must be_________(坚韧的) to have survived such difficult life. 10.____________

  Keys: 1.inventions 2.contains 3.official 4.forbidden 5.independnt

  6.proper 7.developed 8.project 9.unfolded 10.tough


  1.He ________ (预言)that the Chinese football team would lose the game. 1____________

  2. Tomorrow is my daughter's b________ and I decided to buy a bike as a present. 2____________

  3. I don't often go to the c________ dislike films. 3____________

  4. The whole village was d_________ in the terrible earthquake in 1980. 4____________

  5. We couldn't hear him c________ so we asked him to speak louder. 5____________

  6. The note he left _________(暗示)that he would be away from home for a long time. 6____________

  7. Her ________(手指)were cut when she was cutting meat last week. 7____________

  8. Would you please help me ________(悬挂)the picture on the wall. 8____________

  9. Ms. Su once studied in an ________(印度的)university. 9____________

  10.Children are taught to ________(尊敬)their teachers in the kindergarten. 10____________

  Keys: 1. predicted 2.birthday 3.cinema 4.destroyed 5.clearly

  6.indicated 7.fingers 8.hang 9.Indian 10.respect


  1.When the queen is at home, the flag would be raised on the top of her____(宫殿). 1.____________

  2.________(秋天)comes after summer 2.____________

  3.She joined the Young _______(先锋) at the age of eight. 3.____________

  4. The food in that r________ is so poor that we'll never eat there again. 4.____________

  5. Please feel free to ask for our help when you are in t_________. 5.____________

  6. Our class will go camping next ________(星期一). 6.____________

  7. The workers in the car factory are ________(付报酬)by the hour. 7.____________

  8.____________(无论如何) I must finish the work today. 8.____________

  9. Would you please ________(重复) your order, sir? 9.____________

  10.I ________(钦佩) him very much for he is a learned and kind man. 10.____________

  Keys: 1. palace 2Autumn/ fall 3.Pioneer 4.restaurant 5.trouble

  6.Monday 7.paid 8.Anyhow 9.repeat 10.admire


  1. A l________ is a person who helps you when you want to borrow books from a library. 1____________

  2. When I was on h_______, I visited my uncle. 2____________

  3. The accident o________ at five o'clock in the morning. 3____________

  4. This is a s________ day for her because on this day ten years ago she married David. 4____________

  5. The storm did a lot of d__________ to the crops. 5____________

  6. Her health is __________ (逐渐)improving. 6____________

  7. Go to see a doctor, you are (显然)ill. 7____________

  8. She is too poor to satisfy family's _________(物质)need. 8____________

  9. According to the weather report, the weather will ________(继续) fine till this weekend. 9____________

  10.I'll have several travels on business in ________(八月份). 10____________

  Keys: 1.librarian 2.holiday 3.occurred 4.special 5.damage

  6.gradually 7. obviously 8.material 9. continue 10.August


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