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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  81. difficulty 用法:have difficulty with; have difficulties with sth. ; have difficulty in doing sth.

  Note: 表示一般概念时不可数,表示具体困难时可数。

  82. disagree 用法:disagree with sb.

  Note: disagree虽然在形式上有否定前缀,但并不是个否定词。注意它的反义问句形式:He disagreed with you, didnt he?

  83. distance 用法:in the distance; at a distance

  Note: 可用于引申含义,表示时间上或情感上的距离。

  84. divide 用法:divideinto表示把分成几份。强调分成等份。

  Note: 可以表示除法,如:Nine divided by three is three.

  85. do 用法:do away with, do sb. a favour; do up; do with., do wonders, do sb. wrong = do wrong to sb.

  Note: 主要用作及物动词;不及物时表示行:If you have no pen, pencil will do.

  do v.aux.助动词(无词意) What do you call this in English?


  do with 涉及到 What are you going to do with the books?


  do up ones hair 盘起长发 do up sth 包/捆起来 do out 打扫,收拾

  do away with =get rid of 废除,去掉,取消

  86. doubt用法:doubt sb. / sth. , beyond doubt, in doubt, no doubt, without a doubt

  Note: 主句是否定句时宾语用that引导;主句是肯定句时宾语用whether / if引导。

  87. downtown 用法:副词,前面不加介词,如:go downtown.

  Note: 可用作定语,如:a downtown street.

  88. draw 用法:draw a picture/the curtain

  Note: 引申含义表示得出,如:draw a conclusion/lesson.

  89. dream 用法:dream of/about/that

  Note: 可用同源词构成短语:dream a dream.

  90. dress 用法:作名词时常表示女子服装;作动词时用短语dress sb., dress up

  Note: dress的宾语只能是人,表示给人穿上衣服。若要表示穿着什么衣服时要用be dressed in的形式。

  91. drown 用法:常用分词形式作定语或表语。

  Note: a drowning man表示快要淹死的人;a drowned man表示淹死的人。

  92. due 用法:due to形容词短语,表示原因。如:He didnt come due to his illness.

  Note: be due to表示定于某时做某事。如:

  Mary is due to leave at two oclock.

  93. duty 用法:on/off duty; sense of duty

  Note: duty free表示免关税。

  94. each用法:可以做定语,主语,宾语,同位语。一般指两者each,三者以上时用every做定语。

  Note: each other 指的是两者时间;而one another是三者以上。

  95. earn 用法:earn money; earn ones living

  Note: 可以有双宾语,如:His success earned him a prize.

  96. education 用法:常作不可数名词;加定冠词表示一种或一段教育。

  Note: 常用higher或further修饰表示继续教育。

  97. effect 用法:have an effect on; take effect

  Note: effect作动词时表示进行。

  98. end 用法:in the end; at/by the end of; put an end to, odds and ends 杂七杂八

  Note: make ends meet表示收支平衡。

  99. engage用法:engage sb. / sth. , engage oneself to do sth. 保证。engage for担保,对负责。

  Note: be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚;be engaged in (doing ) sth. 忙于。

  100. envy 用法:双宾语,envy sb. sth.

  Note: 名词可以表示受嫉妒的对象,如:He is the envy of others.


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