aim 的用法说明
1. 不管用作名词还是动词,其后均常接介词 at。如。如:
He aimed hisgun at the bird, but did not fire. 他用枪瞄准鸟,但没开枪。
He took aim at the bird, but missed. 他向鸟瞄准,但没射中。
When the teacher said that there was a lazy boy in the class, he was aiming at John. 当老师说班上有个不用功的孩子时,他是针对约翰说的。
The book aims at giving a general outline ofthis subject. 这本书的目的是要对这个问题作个大概描述。
有时其后也接介词 for, 表示希望达到某个目标。如。如:
We should aimfor the best results. 我们要力争获得最好的结果。
The factorymust aim at increased [increasing] production. = The factorymust aim for an increase in production. 工厂必须力求增产。
2. 其后接不定式,表示想要做某事 。如。如:
He aims to become a computer expert. 他想成为计算机专家。
3. 用作名词,表示目的、目标等,是可数名词;表示瞄准,是不可数名词。如:
John has only one aim in life --- to be amillionaire. 约翰的人生只有一个目标,就是成为百万富翁。
Takecareful aim at the target. 仔细瞄准。
4. 实现目标在英语中要用动词 achieve, 一般不用 reach。如:
Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims. 要让每个人都有机会实现自己的目标。
上一篇: choose还是choose from
下一篇: serve还是serve for
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