because 的用法
1. because 表示的原因是必然的因果关系,语气较强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前。
2. 通常用来回答 why提出的问题。如:
A:Why cant you do it now?你为什么不现在就做呢?
B:Because Im too busy. 因为我太忙。
3. 可引导从句作表语。如:
It is because he is foolish. 那是因为他太蠢了。
4. 可用于强调句。如:
It is because he is honest that we likehim. 是因为他诚实我们才喜欢他。
5. notbecause这一结构中的 not 有时否定主句,有时否定从句,一般要根据句子的意思作出正确或合乎逻辑的理解。若not否定主句,最好在because之前用逗号,否则会引起歧义,如下句在没有特定上下文时就有两种解释。如:
I didnt go because I was afraid.
不过若because之前有just修饰,一般认为not 是否定从句而不是主句。如:
You shouldnt get angry just because some people speakill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。
He was not readyto believe something just because Aristotle said so. 他并不只是因为亚里士多德说过如何如何,就轻易相信它。
6. 表示的原因是因为这一意义时,一般要用下面这样的句型。如:
The reason why he cant come is that he is tired. 他不能来是因为他累了。
在这一结构中尽管不少人认为可将that改用 because, 但也有不少人反对这一用法,学生宜慎用。
7. 汉语习惯上说因为所以,但在英语里却不能将 so与because 连用。如:
正:Because it was raining, we stayed at home.
正:It was raining, so we stayed at home.
误:Because it was raining, so we stayed at home.
8. 用于 because of, 意为因为,用法注意:
是复合介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词以及由关系代词型的 what 所引导的从句等。如:
He couldnt come because of illness. 他因病不能来。
I said nothing about it, because of his wifesbeing there. 因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提。
He knew shewas crying because of what he had said. 他知道她哭是因为他说的话。
because of不能直接引导从句或后接that引导的从句。如:
正:He cant come because he is ill.
正:He cant come because of his illness.
误:He cant come because of he is ill.
误:He cant come because of that he is ill.
because of 一般引导状语,不引导表语 。如:
正:His absence is due to the rain. 他因雨未来。
误:His absence is because of the rain.
但是若主语是代词 ,because of 引出的短语则可用作表语。如:
It is just because of money. 那只是因为钱的原因。
9. 关于 because, since, as, for 的用法区别
. because 可用来回答why提出的问题;可以引导表语从句;可用于强调句等,而其余三者则不行。
because 表示的是必然的因果关系,语气最强,通常放在主句之后,若需强调则放在主句之前;since, as所表示的原因是人们已知的,是对已知事实提供理由,而不表示直接原因。它们引导的从句通常放在主句之前,有时也放在主句之后。如:
As he wasnt ready in time, wewent without him. 因他未及时准备好,我们没等他就先走了。
Since we have no money, its no good thinking about a holiday. 既然我们没有钱,考虑度假有什么用。
至于 for, 它是并列连词 ,它有时可表示因果关系 ;有时不表示因果关系,而是对前面分句内容的解释或推断 。试比较。如:
①The ground is wet, for it rained last night. 地面是湿的,因为昨晚下过雨。
②It must have rained last night, for the ground is wetthis morning. 昨晚一定下过雨,你看今天早上地面是湿的。
上一篇: appointment的用法
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