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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



   1. The old man said the accident _______ careless driving, so a lot of money________ be paid by the driver.

   A. was due to; was due to B. due to; was due to

   C. is due to; was due to D. is due to; was dued to

   2. He had no choice but to _________ an excuse to explain his being late.

   A. make out B. make up

   C. make up for D. make over

   3. The _______ are ten to one that we'll win the match.

   A. opportunities B. possibility

   C. chances D. ability

   4. ―Have you worked out when the final payment is _______?

   ―Early next month.

   A. found B. come

   C. due D. practical

   5. Mr. Wang, who _____ in this city ever since thirty years ago, _____ a report for the last two years.

   A. has lived; had prepared B. has been living; has been preparing

   C. lived; has been preparing D. has been living; has prepared

   6. He _______ me five dollars for it, but at first he said to me the work would be done ______.

   A. charged ; free of charge B. charged for ; charged for nothing

   C. charged ; out of the charge D. charged to ; free of the charge

   7. When _____, the man said he went home at 2:00 a.m., _____ and only _____ his house broken into.

   A. asked; tired; to find B. asking; tired; finding

   C. asked; tiredly; to find D. asking; tired; finding

   8. Many policemen and soldiers are ______ the forest _____ the prisoner escaping from prison.

   A. searching for; searching B. searching; searching

   C. searching; in search of D. in search for; searching for

   9. You can go to the newspaper library and _____ any information you need for your new story.

   A. look for B. look up

   C. look at D. look into

   10. Don't turn round. Go ______ this street till you see the school.

   A. down B. to

   C. straightly D. straight

   11. Give them a hand this time and I am sure they will offer theirs ______ in the future.

   A. by turns B. in turn

   C. at turn D. in return

   12. -Could I borrow that newspaper for a few moments?

   - _________.

   A. No way B. Yes. You could

   C. No chance D. By all means

   13. Xi'an is ______ most beautiful tourist city and I believe I'll come for _______ second time.

   A. the; a a

   C. the; the D. a; the

   14. Shall we _______ our discussion and have some tea or coffee?

   A. break down B. break off

   C. break into D. break out

   15. The happy children were making _______ the coast, where they would see the sea for the first time in their lives.

   A. their way in B. their ways to

   C. their way in D. their way to


   Lose-Win is weak. It's easy to get stepped on. It's easy to be the nice guy. It's easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.

   A girl named Jenny once told me about her 16 in the world of Lose-Win during her eighth-grade year before she finally broke 17 :

   My 18 with my mom all started one day 19 she said to me sarcastically (讽刺地) Wow, you're surely lively today. I 20 it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close off from her and never 21 back to her. So every time she would say something 22 I disagreed with her I would just say. Okay, 23 you want, Mom. But I really got cold quickly. And my 24 began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, Oh, that's 25 and then went back to mop the floor.

   Don't you ever 26 ? I thought. But I didn't say anything and stormed off. She had no idea I was 27 upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I 28 her bow important it was to me.

   At last I just blew up. Mom, this has got to 29 . You tell me everything you want me to do and I just do it because it's 30 than if fighting. Well, I'm sick of it. This all came as a 31 to her.

   After my blow up, we felt like we were 32 all over in our relationship. But it's getting better all the lime. We discuss things now and I always 33 my feelings with her.

   If you adopt Lose-Win as your basic 34 toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. You'll also be 35 your true feelings deep inside. And that's not healthy.

   16. A. wanderings B. disappointment C. lessons D. helplessness

   17. A. out B. down C. up D. free

   18. A. relationship B. problems C. quarrels D. improvement

   19. A. as B. since C. when D. before

   20. A. regarded B. treated C. received D. took

   21. A. fight B. struggle C. talk D. turn

   22. A. even if B. only if C. which D. as though

   23. A. however B. whatever C. so much D. too much

   24. A. coldness B. anger C. disagreement D. hope

   25. A. true B. impossible C. nice D. important

   26. A. care B. see C. say D. listen

   27. A. also B. still C. even D. already

   28. A. warned B. shown C. asked D. told

   29. A. end B. change C. last D. stop

   30. A. worse B. easier C. more D. less

   31. A. surprise B. pleasure C. gift D. harm

   32. A. going B. starting C. thinking D. reviewing

   33. A. share B. have C. discuss D. improve

   34. A. way B. method C. attitude D. theory

   35. A. hurting B. waking C. storing D. hiding



   Along a long path we came to a deep valley, on the far side of which the path led into some very thick bushes. Rather than push through up again and rejoin the path on the far side of the bushes.

   As I climbed down into the valley a bird flew off h rock on which I had put my hand. On looking at the spot from which the bird had risen, I saw two eggs. They were the kind that I did not have in my collection, so I placed them carefully in my bag, wrapped in a little dry grass.

   As we went further down the valley the sides became steeper and not far from where I had entered. It came to drop of about twelve to fourteen feet. The water that rushed down all these small valleys in the rainy season had worn the rock as glass. As it was too deep to climb down, I handed my gun to one of the men and slid down it. My feet had hardly touched the sandy bottom when the two men jumped down, one on each side of me. They quickly gave me the gun and asked me if I had heard the tiger. In fact, I had heard nothing; possibly because of the noise I made sliding down the rock. The men said they had heard a tiger growling somewhere nearby, but they did not know from which direction the noise had come.

   36. According to the text we know that __________.

   A. the writer decided to push through the thick bushes

   B. the writer decided to walk along the valley

   C. the writer wanted to stop climbing

   D. the writer tried to find two eggs

   37. When the writer found the eggs, he ________.

   A. wrapped them in dry grass and put them aside

   B. wrapped them in dry grass and took them with him

   C. tried to find the bird

   D. made the bird fly off

   38. At the end of the story, the writer knew that ____________.

   A. a tiger had run away B. a tiger was close to them

   C. the men had seen a tiger D. a tiger had seen them

   39. Which of the following orders is RIGHT about what happened in their travel?

   A. hear the sound of tigerfind eggspush through the bushesclimb down into the valley

   B. climb down into the valleypush through the busheshear the sound of tigerfind eggs

   C. push through the bushesclimb down into the valleyfind eggshear the sound of tiger

   D. find eggsclimb down into the valleyhear the sound of tigerpush through the bushes


   After years of hearing drivers complain about scratches on their cars, Japan's Nissan Motor Company has officially announced the next big thing - a paint that not only resists scratches and scrapes, but actually repairs itself within a few days.

   The new material, developed by Nippon Paint Company, contains an elastic rubbery-like resin (弹性树脂) that is able to heal minor marks caused by car wash equipment, parking lot encounters, road debris (石头碎片) or even on-purpose destruction.

   The automaker admits its results vary depending on the temperature and the depth of the damage, but adds this is the only paint like it in the world, and tests prove it works.

   Minor scratches, the most common type, are said to slowly fade over about a week. And once they're gone, there is no trace that they were ever there.

   The special paint is said to last for at least three years after it is first applied, but there is no word yet on whether more can be added after that period.

   Nissan claims car washes are the worst offenders for this type of damage, accounting for at least 80 percent of all incidents.

   But the complete auto-healing won't come without scratching your wallet. The vehicle maker notes the special paint adds about $100 US to the price of a car.

   It plans to use its new chemical mixture only on its X-Trail SUVs in Japan for now, as it looks for a more widespread presentation. And while plans to offer the feature overseas haven't been made yet, if it's a hit there, you can be almost sure market forces will drive it to these shores, as well.

   40. From the article, we can find that _________.

   A. the paint has already been used on cars by now

   B. it beats other products of its kind in its lengthy effect

   C. car damage is mainly caused by scratches and scrapes

   D. marketing this paint in Europe is not under way

   41. The paint used on cars can _________.

   A. last 3 years before it is reapplied again

   B. fade only in a few days

   C. help to protect minor paint damage

   D. reduce car scrape incidents to 20 percent

   42. What does the underlined part refer to?

   A. certain models of Nissan B. name for one kind of paint

   C. somewhere in Japan D. a word standing for a car-dealer store

   43. What can be inferred from the article?

   A. The paint was developed by Nissan Motor Company.

   B. The paint might work better in summer than in winter.

   C. The mark on the car could disappear as soon as the pain is applied.

   D. The paint is very popular in Japan.


   W: You look so happy.

   M: I have just (44) p_____ the College English Test Band 4.

   W: Oh, really? (45)C_________! Could you tell me some more information (46) a_______ it?

   M: Of (47) c_______. Recently CET-4 has introduced three new types of questions, that is, Compound Diction, Translation and Short Answer Questions. The (48) p______ of Compound Dictation is to test students' ability to (49) u_____ information in the listening materials. The Translation (50) t_______ is to test students' ability to understand the reading materials. And in the Short Answer Questions section, (51) s________ are required to answer questions.

   W: Then, (52) h__________ can I do a good job?

   M: Well, regular practice will help you a (53) a_________.

   (44) __________

   (45) __________

   (46) __________

   (47) __________

   (48) __________

   (49) __________

   (50) __________

   (51) __________

   (52) __________




   注意: 1. 词数:100字左右

   2. 文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

   3. 生词提示:设施facility

   Recently I made a survey of Senior 3 students on physical training.




   1.A。due to sb. / sth.意为由某人/某事引起的由于某人/ 某事。因此第一空应为was due to,句意为:事故是由于粗心驾驶造成的。 第二空意为应支付即was due to,所以答案为A。

   2.B。考查短语动词的用法。make out意为分辨、理解make up意为编造、杜撰、弥补make up for意为弥补make over意为改做、重做。根据题意,B可入选。




   6.A。charge sb money for (doing) sth就向某人索取费用。free of charge免费的。

   7.A。When asked = When the man was asked, 前后主语一致,可改为分词短语作状语。tired作the man的状语。only to find 是结果状语,表示(出乎意料地)发现。若用only finding则表示(在意料之中地)发现。

   8.C。根据第一空,排除B、D, in search of = in one's search for。第二空in search of 这里相当于to search for,表示目的。

   9.B。look for寻找look up查找、查阅look at看look into调查、往里看。题意:去查找你所需要的资料。

   10.A。down在这里是介词=along,选项Cstraightly无此词;straight是副词,go是不及物动词,与后面的this street之间须有介词连接。故选A。

   11.D。by turns轮流in turn依次、反过来at turn无此短语;in return作为回报。

   12.D。考查交际用语。by all means 意为当然可以;没问题。选项B改为Yes, you can / may,也可入选。选项A、C的回答极不礼貌。

   13.B。考查冠词。a most beautiful tourist city意为一个非常美丽的旅游城市a second time意为又一次,再一次。

   14.B。break down意为出故障break off意为中断break into意为闯入break out爆发。根据题意,只能选B。

   15.D。make one's way to是固定短语,后接名词,意为走向。way不能用复数形式,它不以one's的变化而变化。



   17.D。break free挣脱;获得心灵、精神上的解放,符合最终Jenny争得自己尊严的结果。本题不能想当然凭搭配关系去选择答案。break out战争、争吵、火灾等爆发break down出故障break up破裂、关系等中断。




   21.C。talk back还嘴,顶嘴,此处指我决定忍气吞声,不跟妈妈顶嘴。

   22.A。even if引导让步状语从句,当即使讲,此处意为:即使妈妈说的不对,也不去顶撞她。










   32.B。表示我和妈妈的关系有了新的开端。start all over表示重新开始。

   33.A。share ... with ... 与妈妈分享(交流)自己的感情,符合题意和搭配。







   39.C。内容排序题。文章第一段提到了穿越灌木丛,然后走到山谷,在山谷中发现鸟蛋,然后又听到老虎的叫声,所以正确的顺序应是bushes、valley和find eggs,最后是hear the sound of tiger。

   40.D。解析:从最后一段第二句And while plans to offer the feature overseas haven't been made yet, 可知,D项是正确的。根据第一段和最后一段可排除A项。由第三段的this is the only paint like it in the world可知,它还没有同类产品,所以可否定B项。选项C在文中没有作出说明。



   43.B。解析:由第二段的第一句话可推断出B项是正确的。由第二段的第一句可知A项错误。由第一段的最后一句和第四段的第一句可知刮痕并不是马上消失的,所以C项错误。从最后一段as it looks for a more widespread presentation可知,这种漆并没有推广开,所以D项错误。


   44. passed 45. Congratulations 46. about 47. course 48. purpose

   49. use 50. task 51. students 52. how 53. lot


   One possible version:

   Recently I made a survey of Senior 3 students on physical training.

   Only 35% of the surveyed students do sports. There are many reasons for this. Half of the students say they have too much homework and have no enough time to take exercise. 30% of them complain that they have no places where they can relax themselves and that there not enough training facilities. 10% feel that they live too far away from the places and some even don't know how to take exercise. Because of lack of physical activities, many students are in poor health. We should realize the importance of taking exercise, and measures should be taken to improve the present situation.



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