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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  7. To get an education , _______________ .

  A. one must work hard B. what you need is to work hard

  C. working hard is needed

  不定式作状语放在句首,动作的执行者应当是句子的主语。换言之,当不定式放在句首时,句子的主语应能做不定式动作的执行者。此题选项中只有A项中的one 能做get 的执行者。One get an education, ;What you need和working hard 都不能做get 的执行者。

  8. Thirty-three people were already dead in a traffic accident ; __________ .

  A. twelve being old men

  B. twelve of them were old men

  C. twelve of whom were old men

  D. twelve were old men

  此题中的分号(;)很重要,后一部分起进一步说明作用。正确选项为B。如果换成逗号 的话,则选择C,理解为定语从句。

  9. Was it during the Second World War ________ he died ?

  A. that B. during which time C. in which D. when

  It 作代词 表示时间或地点与关系副词when 、where引导的定语从句或强调结构相混。此题应当填A,为强调结构,但有好多学生选择C或D,把句子看成定语从句,其实判断强调结构并不难,把强调结构it is (was)that ( who )去掉,如果剩下的部分句子结构完整,说明就是强调结构,如果不完整说明是从句。此句去掉强调结构句子成为during the Second World War he died (变为正常词序 He died during the Second World War ) 句子结构完整,说明此句为强调结构。此句如果把during 一词去掉 ,句意就变了,it was the Second World War .it 作代词,表示时间,意思为:时间是第二次世界大战,横线处应当填 when 或in which 。又如:

  It was evening ______ he went to the office .

  A. when B. that 此句选择A,如果evening 换成in the evening ,则选择B。

  10. Hardly had she seen her father _________ she ran to him .

  A. than B. when C. as D. that

  此句是倒装句,往往与 that 从句相混,应注意hardly 与 when 连用。

  11.---- What made her so angry ?

  ----- ________ her wallet.

  A. He lost B. Losing C. Lost

  此题为省略句,应判断省掉的部分是什么,这句话的意思是:丢钱夹使她生气。整句话应当是Losing her wallet made her angry .所以,选择B。但有的学生选择A,句子正确,但属于所问非所答,如果问话人问what happened to her ? 选择 A 正确。

  12 She cannot help _____ when she heard the bad news .

  A. burst into tears B. bursting into tears C. to burst into tears

  help (to) do 与help doing 相混,help doing 常与 cannot 连用,应当从意思上加以区别,help (to)do sth. 帮助做某事;cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做某事,此题选择 B。

  13 _____ a long story short , he wanted to marry her and get a lot of money .

  A. Make B. To make C. Making

  14. She must be looking forward as much to his return as he he himself is to _______ her .

  A. see B. have seen C. seeing D. having seen

  此题选择C。asas 结构连接的两部分应该对等,to his return 与to seeing 对等,to 是介词,后跟名词,有好多学生不顾asas 结构,把后一个to 看成不定式符号, 而选择A。

  15. Having a written examination , ___________ .

  A. I am forced to study hard B. its necessary that I have to study hard

  分词短语放在句首作状语,应考虑逗号后主语与分词的关系,是否可以做分词的执行者或承受者,此题A项中I 可以做having 的执行者,所以选择A;而B项中的it 不可能做having 的执行者或承受者。


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