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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. School is open 与 the school is open :

    school is open ( 或 schools are open) 是指学校开学 (classes are in session) ,这里的 open 是形容词, school 前面不加冠词 the ,意味整个中小学的 school system 。但是 the school is open ,多指学校的建筑物开放着,但没有学生上课。

    同理: He goes to school. 是指他去上学读书受教育,而 He goes to the school. 又指他去学校的建筑物(看朋友、参观等)。

    但是 The store is open. 是指店在营业中( = Business is going on. ),而 The store is closed. 又是指店 暂时不营业。假如店是永久性的关门大吉,就应该说: The store was closed down. (permanently)

    不过 closed 当形容词时,又有保守( conservative )或受某种限制( restricted )的意思。 例如:

    This is a closed community. (这是一个保守的社区。)(由于宗教信仰等原因,美国有的社区不欢迎外来的人。)

    2. Thick skin 与 thin skin :

    thick skin 是指一个人不害羞,冷静,好脾气 (insensitive,calm or good temper) ,但是 thin skin 是指很敏感 (very sensitive) ,易发怒,易激动的人。 例如:

    He has thin ( 或 thick) skin. ( 当名词用 )

    = He is thin-skinned ( 或 thick-skinnd).( 当形容词用 )

    Many American politicians are very thick-skinned. ( 许多美国政客是冷静不易发怒的。 )

    thick skin 不是咱们中国人所谓厚脸皮不要脸的意思。对老外来说,往往还是一种恭维呢!而 thin skin 恰好又相反。

    3. To turn the tables 与 under the table :

    turn the tables 意思是扭转局面,作出反击或反告( to turn around or to reverse the accusation toward accuser ),但是 under the table 是指做贿赂等违法的事情( do something illegal )。 例如:

    In court she turned the tables of prosecution toward him. (在法院她反而控告他。)

    Some politicians accepted brides under the table. (一些政客违法地接受贿赂。)

    4. To be attracted to 与 to be attracted by :

    这都是指被吸引住,不过介系词用 to 时,后面通常不说理由,但介词用 by 时,后面多半说明吸引的原因。 例如:

    She was attracted to him. (她被他吸引住。)(但没有说明原因 )

    = She found herself attracted to him.

    = He attracted her. ; 说白些,就是

    = She liked him.;

    同理 He was attracted to her.( 他被她吸引住。 )

    = He found himself attracted to her.

    = She attracted him.; 也就是:

    = He liked her.


    She was attracted by his good-look. ( 她被他的英俊外表吸住了。 )

    He was attracted by her beauty ( 或 charm 或 body). (always) ( 他被她的美貌或身材而吸引。 )

    就是因为用 by 时,后面多半都说明吸引的理由。

    5. Talk back to (someone) 与 turn (one''s) back on (someone) :

    to talk back to someone 意思是对某人回嘴( to defy ),多半指小孩。而 to turn one''s back on someone 系指不喜欢某人( dislike someone )。例如:

    the boy talks back to his mother all the time. (这男孩对他母亲老是回嘴。)

    至于 to be on ( one''s ) back about ( something )又有对某事唠叨 (nagging )的意思。 例如:

    His mother is always on his back about diet. (他妈妈常为了饮食对他唠叨。)


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