need 与dare 的动词用法 (二)
1) She dares to answer these questions.
2) We should dare to think , speak and do.
3) Do you dare to touch the snake?
4) She said she dared.
5) He never dare to come here.
6) You should do it if you dare.
7) She lied on the bed , not daring to make a noise.
8) I didn't know that how he dared to drive a car.
[示例]考题1 No one ____ say that he could see the Emperors new
A. dare B. Needs C. Dared to D. need to
解析 根据提干要求表示过去的情况即那时没有人有胆量敢说他没看见皇帝的
考题2 You ____ bring many books back until next month.
A. need to B. Dare to C. Dare not D. neednt
分析 据题旨意,句子后用了until介词+时间的介词短语作时间状语,那么前
面的动词bring是终止性动词应使用否定式表示没必要,而dare not意为不敢,
考题3 Tom wanted me to play truant this afternoon with him ,
but I ____ do so.
A. dared not B. Didnt dare to C. Not dare D. dare not
分析 据该题意也是说过去的情况,在A项中dare作为情态动词不能用过去式,
用助动词的过去,后面to 可以跟不定式,可断定适合题意,所以该题答案选B。
考题4 Father sent me the book , so I ____ to him for it.
A. neednt write B. Neednt have written C. dare not write
D. dare not have written
分析 据题意:父亲把书寄来了,我本没必要给他写信,但信已写了。所以该选
1. You must pay the money , but you ____ do so at once.
A. mustnt B. Dare not C. Neednt D. dont need.
2. You ____ try it again.
A.. neednt to B. Needs C. Neednt D. didnt need
3. I wonder if he ____ wait any longer.A. need B. Needs C. Need to
D. doesnt need
4. She ____ kill the snake . She is afraid of it.
A. doesnt dare B. Dares not to C. Dare not D. dare to
5. Being scolded by the teacher , the boy stood before him without
____ his head.
A. daring lift B. Daring to lift C. Daring lifting D. dare to
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