sewage treatment 污水治理
China plans to invest 1.4 trillion yuan (US$175 billion)in environmental protection between 2006 and 2010. At a cost of 180 billion yuan,sewage treatment facilities with a combined daily capacity of 40 million tons will be built in 10 river valleys to dispose of wastewater discharged by cities.
城市的污水处理常用sewage treatment来表达,sewage指污水。
由此,生活污水可用domestic sewage来形容,而工业污水则是industrial sewage. Sewage做污水更侧重指下水道、排水沟排出的固体、液体废物,所以,与生活息息相关的化粪池可表示为sewage tank.
看下面一个例句:Sewage treatment methods vary.(污水处理的方法多种多样。)
另外,由报道,我们可看出污水处理设备是sewage treatment facilities,不过单个单词sewerage也可表达词义。
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