河北 郑卫红
1. 追星族 fan of celebrity
2. 砍价 to bargain
3 知识经济 knowledge economy
4. 曝光 to expose
5. 走俏 to sell well
6. 法盲 ignorant of law
7. 市价 market price
8. AA 制 to go fifty fifty / to go Dutch
9. 一步到位 to settle a matter at one go
10. 泡沫经济 bubble economy
11. 名人效应 social influence of celebrities
12. 假日经济 holiday economy
13. 买单 to pay the bill
14. 自助餐 buffet meal
15. 热门话题 popular topic
16. 人体炸弹 suicide bomb
17. 网吧 Internet bar
18. 网友 Internet buddies
19. 轰动效应 sensational effect
20. 公众人物 publicly known figure
21. 裁员 to cut staff members
22. 宰人 to overcharge
23. 中彩 to win the lottery
24. 反恐 to fight against terrorism
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