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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


    1. A. Africa is second only to Asia in area.

    B. I want a second pair of shoes.

    C. Argentina is the second biggest nation in Latin America.

    为什么句 A 中的序数词 second 前面不加冠词,句 B 中的序数词 second 前面加不定冠词,句 C 中的序数词 second 前面加定冠词 the ?

    析:不加冠词的 second 作次于解;加不定冠词的 second 作另外的解;加定冠词的 second 才是真正的序数词,作第二解。三个句子的意思分别是: A. 非洲的面积仅次于亚洲。 B. 我再要一双鞋子。 C. 阿根廷是拉丁美洲的第二大国。

    2. I ain't got any more money. 句中的 ain't 是什么意思?

    析: ain't[enit] 是个俗用词,有时被写成 an't .它可以是 are not , is not , am not , have not , has not 的缩写形式。在口语中常可听到这种读音。例如:

    You're joking, ain't (= aren't) you? / I ain't (= am not) going to do it. /That ain't (= is not) true, I'm afraid. / Your letter ain't (= has not) reached me up to now. 所问句子的意思是: I have not got any more money.

    3. His uncle is a child of a man. 这句话是什么意思?

    析: a + 名词 + of + a + 名词是强调人、物特性的一种同位属格结构。前一名词表示的是后一名词的属性,作像那样的解,是文学语言中的一种修辞手法。如果意思上需要,可用代词代替前一名词前的不定冠词;也可用代词或复数名词代替后一名词前的不定冠词。如: This is a palace of a house. 这是一所有宫殿气派的房子。 Miss Chen is a flower of a girl. 陈小姐是个像鲜花一样的姑娘。 She divorced her brute of a husband. 她和她那畜生般的丈夫离了婚。 He has a mountain of debts to pay. 他债台高筑。所问句子可译作:他的叔叔是个充满孩子气的大人。

    4. A. The pupils all don't like the maths teacher 和 B. The pupils all dislike the maths teacher 的意思相同吗?

    析:这两句意思不相同。 all, both, every 等词与 not 连用时,通常表示部分否定。若 all, both, every 等词与 dislike, impossible, invisible, disbelieve, unkind, useless 等含否定前缀或后缀的词连用时,则表示全部否定。比较: Both of the twins cannot dance. 这对双胞胎并不都会跳舞。 Everybody here is useless to me. 在这里,每一个人在我看来都没有用。 Every one of them doesn't believe you wrong. 他们并不是每个人都认为你错。

    5. A. I don't know English and French.

    B. I don't know English or French.


    析: not A or B 表示全部否定, not A and B 会产生歧义。句 A 的意思可以是: I know neither English nor French. 或: I know English, but I don't know French. 如果要表示全部否定,并且不至于产生歧义,你最好用 not A or B 结构。但是,下列结构中的全部否定,应用 and 表达,而不用 or :

    A. 简单句中出现两个否定词。如: Men cannot live without air and water.

    B. 各列举成分前面都有否定词。如: It has no eyes and no ears.

    C. 列举成分在否定词前。如: Dad and Mum cannot write their names.

    D. and 构成的固定词组。如: He didn't work day and night.

    E. and 连接两个表示先后发生的两个动作。如: Don't drink and drive. 别酒后驾驶。

    6. 怎么读?它表示什么意思?

    析: 是拉丁语单词 et[et] ,也是法语单词 et[ei] .它是 e 和 t 两个字母连写的变体,作连接词用,与 and 同义。它只能连接单个名词,多用于商标、公司名称或报刊、栏目名称中,不用于较规范的文章或语句中。若连接两个缩略词,则用 ,不用 and .如: vi vt . 也可与 and 配合使用。如: Building construction and Aesthetics 建筑与美学。

    7. A. Mary has made great progress, _________ delighted her parents.

    B. Tom was late for class again, _________ made the teacher angry.

    C. She told a lie, _________ her father found strange.

    D. Mr White treats me like a baby, ________ I cannot bear.

    E. Alice seemed a nice girl, __________ in fact she was.

    F. I saw the man every day, _________ was very natural.

    G. He was a Tibetan, _________ I knew from what he wore.

    H. He has won the 2nd place, _________ often happened.

    I. All the problems, _________ you will find out, are now settled.

    J. He opposed the idea, _________ could be expected.

    上面各句的空白处填 which, as 都可以吗?

    析:关系代词 which , as 都可引导非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句。但是,从句是主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + (补语)结构或从句含有否定意义时,要用 which 作从句中的主语或宾语,而不用 as ;从句是主语 + 谓语 + (宾语)时只用 which 作从句中的主语;从句中无宾语或需要关系代词作宾语时,可用 which 或 as 作主语或宾语;从句是主语 + 系词 + 表语时,可用 which 或 as 作从句中的主语或表语。在非限制性定语从句中, which 只置于句末, as 可置于句首、句中或句末:当 as 作正如解,但仍有连接词含义时,不可用 which 代之。所以, A , B , C , D 四句中要填 which ; E , F , G , H 四句中可填 which 或 as , I , J 两句中只能填 as .

    10. A. I didn't enjoy the performance at all.

    B. If you do it at all, do it well.

    C. To see an American at all in a place like this was a surprise to me.

    D. Do you know it at all?

    这四句中的 at all 有什么区别?

    析: at all 用来加强语气。 at all 用于否定句中,作根本,完全解; at all 用于条件句中,作(如果)真地,确实解; at all 用于肯定句或疑问句中,作到底,竟然解。所以,句 A 译作:我一点也不喜欢这个表演。句 B 译作:如果你真地要去做,就要把它做好。句 C 译作:在这样的地方居然会见到一个美国人,我感到惊奇。句 D 译作:你究竟知道不知道?


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