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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


    Fault, possession, purpose 都是常用的英语词汇,其相关词组有的只差一个介词,有的只差一个冠词,看上去非常相似,但词义和用法完全不同。本文旨在通过对 at fault / in fault / to a fault, in possession of / in the possession of 和 on purpose / to the purpose / to no purpose 三组词的辨析,帮助学生了解其不同的意义并掌握相关的用法。

    Fault 有两个基本的意思。 1 , 缺点,故障: I like him despite his faults. ( 虽然他有种种缺点,但我仍然喜欢他。 ) The fire was caused by electrical fault. ( 火灾是由电路故障引起的。 ) 2 ,过错,过失: We've missed the plane and it's all your fault! ( 我们误了飞机,这都是你的过错! )

    学习 fault 的时候,要注意区别 at fault, in fault 和 to a fault 的不同意义。

    At fault 表示 in the wrong, at a loss ( 出错,茫然 ) . 比如: My memory was at fault. ( 我记错了;我忘记了 )

    In fault 的意思是 guilty, to blame ( 过失,责备 ) : You are much in fault. ( 这可全是你的过错。 )

    To a fault 的意思是 excessively ( 过分地 ) : He is generous to a fault. ( 他过于慷慨 ) .

    另外,还应该注意 fault 和 mistake 的区别 . Fault 指人性格或办事方式上的缺点: Ryden idolized his daughter so much that he could see her faults. ( 雷登非常溺爱女儿,以致看不到她的缺点。 ) mistake 指意见,想法及行为上的错误。比如: I'm afraid you've made a mistake. My name is Mary Taylor. Mrs. Taylor. ( 我想你大概搞错了。我的名字叫玛丽。泰尔,也就是泰乐夫人。 )

    下面讲的 Possession 有三个基本意思: 1 ,领有,持有,具有: The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. ( 去国外旅行需要持有护照。 ) 2 ,(多数复数)所有物,财产: He lost all his possession in the fire. ( 他在火灾中损失了所有的财产。 ) 3 ,属地,殖民地: The former colonial possessions are now independent state. ( 以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家。 )

    对于 possession 一词,应注意 in possession of 和 in the possession of 的区别。 In possession of 意为 possessing, having in one's possession, 指在某人手中,但所有权非某人所有。 In the possession of 的意思是 possessed of , held by, 指为某人所有,即所有权属于某人。 In possession of 为一时占有, in the possession of 为永久所有。比如: He is in the possession of its author. ( 这本书的第一版所有权归其作者。 )

    另外, possession 的动词形式是 possess. 应了解 be possessed with 和 be possessed of 不同的用法。 Be possessed with 表示被某种想法迷住心窍: He is possessed with the idea that someone is persecuting him. ( 他老是觉得有人迫害他。 ) be possessed of 表示拥有,享有: He was possessed of great self-confidence. ( 他有很强的自信心。 )

    最后说 purpose. 它的基本意思是: 1 ,目的,意图: What is the purpose of the meeting? ( 会议的目的是什么? ) 2 ,意志,毅力,决心: Her approach to the job lacks purpose. ( 她干这项工作缺乏毅力。 )

    学习的难点在于区分 on purpose, to the purpose, to no purpose 的不同用法。

    On purpose 的意思是 有意地,故意地: If you joke with him he'll think you are insulting him on purpose. ( 你和他开玩笑,他会认为你在有意羞辱他。 )

    To the purpose 表示中肯: He spoke nothing to the purpose. ( 他说的一点都不得要领。 )

    To no purpose 表示无效,没有作用: we begged him not to go out in the storm, but to no purpose. ( 我们恳求他暴风雨天不要外出,但毫无作用。 )

    英语中类似 at fault / in fault / to a fault; in possession of / in the possession of 和 on purpose / to the purpose / to no purpose 这样的易混词组还很多。这些词组形相似,但意义迥然不同;平时学习。应注意多观察,多积累;长期坚持,一定会对英语词汇的学习与应用大有裨益。


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