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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



    I think, she has no feeling for your trouble. / She, I think, has no feeling for your trouble. 我想,她对你的遭遇无动于衷。

    一 . 常见的插入语和插入句。

    1. 插入语常以副词(副词短语)、形容词(形容词短语)、介词短语、非谓语动词短语等形式出现。

    ( 1 )常见的副词及短语: indeed, surely, however, obviously, frankly, naturally, luckily / happily for sb. certainly 等。

    ( 2 )常见的形容词及短语: funny, needless to say (不用说), most important of all 等。

    ( 3 )常见的介词短语: by the way, in a few words / in sum / in short (简而言之), in other words, in general, in one's opinion / judgment (按照某人的意见), in fact, in the first place, of course, to one's knowledge / surprise / regret /satisfaction / mind / joy / disappointment 等。

    ( 4 )常见的现在分词短语: strictly / generally / honestly / personally / exactly / physically / speaking (严格地 / 一般地 / 坦诚地等)说; judging from / by (根据判断)等。

    ( 5 )常见的动词不定式短语: to be sure (无疑地), to sum up (概括地说), to tell the truth, to be honest, to be short, to conclude, to put it briefly, to put it in another way, to begin ( start ) with 等。


    ( 1 ) Frankly, he'd like to listen to music.


    Here you should speak frankly.


    ( 2 ) True, your daughter is at home now. (形容词作插入语)

    He came back, hungry and tired. (形容词作状语)

    ( 3 ) Judging from what he said, he does look down his elder brother. (现在分词作插入语,其主语不是句中的主语,只是说话者的附加说明)

    Seeing from the window, he can see the lake. (现在分词作状语,逻辑主语是句中的主语 he )

    ( 4 ) To tell you the truth, he doesn't quite agree with this idea. (不定式作插入语,动作主体不是句中的主语,只是说话者的附加说明)

    To buy the machine, he went to Beijing. (不定式作目的状语,逻辑主语是句中的主语 he )

    2. 插入句为简短的、具有完整意义的句子。常见的插入句如下: I think / hope / guess / know / believe / suppose, I am sure (我可以肯定地说), that is ( to say )(也就是说), it seems (看来是), as I see it (照我看来), what's more, what's worse, what is important / serious (重要 / 严重的是), I'm afraid (恐怕) , it is said (据说), as we all know (众所周知)等。


    ( 1 ) What should I do first?

    What do you think I should do first? (被插入的疑问句原来为倒装语序,插入后成为陈述语序)

    ( 2 ) Who is singing?

    Who do you think is singing? (被插入的疑问句原来就是陈述语序,不需要做调整)

    二 . 插入语(句)在试题中的应用。

    1. 单项选择。由于插入语通常与句中其他成分没有语法上的关系,命题者有意在句中插入一个从句或插入语,造成主谓分离,给考生的理解带来一定的困难和干扰。例如:

    ( 1 ) He made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science. (上海 1998 )

    A. which I think is B. which I think it is

    C. which I think it D. I think which is

    分析:这是一个非限制性定语从句, which 在从句中作主语,代替 the discovery .做这类题目的方法是先将插入语 I think 去掉,然后再将句子还原成为 He made another wonderful discovery, which is of great importance to science. 问题就迎刃而解了。正确答案: A .

    ( 2 ) In fact ______ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match. (上海 2001 )

    A. this B. that

    C. there D. it

    分析: in fact 在句中实际担当插入语,只不过没用逗号隔开,意思是实际上,对警察来说在一次重大的足球比赛中,维持秩序是一项困难的工作。空格容易把句子当成 fact 的同位语从句而误选 B .正确答案: D

    ( 3 )- Alice, you feed the birds today, _____?

    - But I fed it yesterday. (广东 1999 )

    A. do you B. will you

    C. didn't you D. don't you

    分析:这是特设语境,插入语 Alice 暗示后面句子为带主语的祈使句,正确答案: B .

    ( 4 ) Who do you think _______ us a talk this afternoon?

    A. to give B. gave

    C. will give D. giving

    分析: you think 是一个插入语,将其去掉。正确答案: C .

    ( 5 ) Philip is a New Yorker, _______ , he lives in New York.

    A. that is B. besides

    C. after all D. in one word

    分析:直接选择适合上下文语境的插入语。正确答案: A .

    2. 阅读理解和完形填空。阅读中出现大量插入语会增加理解障碍。熟练掌握插入语,有利于分析句子结构,理解文章大意。例如: I, of course, like a bicycle better. It doesn't cost me much, yet it brings me a lot of convenience. What's more, it doesn't pollute the air. Bicycles are really good friends of people's.

    3. 写作。书面表达要求语言连贯、地道,恰当使用插入语,可以给文章增色不少。例如: Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters - in other words, I am an only child. My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can to make sure that I get a good education. They do not want me to do any work at home; they want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I'll get good marks in all my subjects. We may be one family and live under the same roof, but we do not seem to get much time to talk together. It looks as if my parents regard me as a visitor or a guest. Do they really understand their own daughter? How things are in other homes, I wonder. ( NMET 2001 )


    I. 单项选择:

    1. Mr. Anderson, ______ I thought died three years ago, is still living.

    A. w


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