高中英语语法-“ cannot (never )... too... ”结构及其它-查字典英语网
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高中英语语法-“ cannot (never )... too... ”结构及其它

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   cannot (never )... too... 结构及其它


    ( 2003 北京春) I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.

   ---- You can never be ________ careful in the street.

    A. much B. very C. so D. too

    分析:该题考查的是 cannot ( never )too 结构的用法。答案为 D .此题意为:



     cannot too 结构表示无论怎么也不算过分、越越好、要格外、应该特别等意思。表示此意的结构有下列几种:

    1. cannot +动词+ too +形容词或副词,例如:

    We cannot be too careful in doing experiments. 我们做实验时越仔细越好。

    I cannot thank you too much. 我无论怎么感谢你也不过分。

    2. cannot + over- 动词 /cannot + be + over- 形容词,例如:

    We cannot overemphasize the importance of learning a foreign language. 我们无论怎么强调学外语的重要性也不过分。

    We cannot be overvigilant. 我们应该特别警惕。

    3. cannot +动词+ too much ( much enough ) ,例如:

    We cannot praise him too much. 我们无论怎样表扬他也不算过分。

    He is very reliable. You can't trust him too much ( much enough )。 他很可靠,他是你最值得信赖的人。

    4. cannot +动词+形容词或副词+ enough

    在 cannottoo 结构中的 too 可换成 enough , sufficient 或 sufficiently ; not 也可换成 never , hardly , scarcely 等否定词。例如:

    You can never be strong enough. 强壮的身体有百利而无一害。

    Drinking water can never be pure enough. 饮用水越纯越好。

    5. cannot +动词+ too many +可数名词 / too much +不可数名词,例如:

    I think it right that one cannot learn too much knowledge. 我认为一个人的知识愈多愈好。

    It is wrong to think that one cannot bear too many children. 认为一个人孩子生得愈多愈好是错误的。

    6. It is impossible ( difficult ) to too = cannottoo ,例如:

    It is impossible to emphasize this point too much. (= One cannot emphasize this point too much. )要特别强调这一点。

    与 cannottoo 相似的结构主要有:

    1. cannot help + doing :该结构意为禁不住做、忍不住干,指身不由己地去做某事。例如:

    We could not help thinking when we saw the Great Wall in China.


    I couldn't help crying when I heard the bad news. 听到那不幸的消息,我忍不住大哭起来。

     cannot help but do sth. 也表示不得不、忍不住。例如:

    We could not help but walk from dawn to dusk. 我们不得不从黎明走到黄昏。

    Hearing the inspiring news, we couldn't help but cheer. 听到这个鼓舞人心的消息,我们不禁欢呼起来。

    2. cannot but do sth :该结构表示不得不。例如:

    I cannot but admire his courage. 我不得不钦佩他的勇气。

    I couldn't but laugh on reading such a funny joke. 读到如此滑稽的笑话,我忍不住笑了。

    在上面句式里,可以说 cannot 后面省略了 do anything .例如:

    The prisoner could not ( do anything ) but hand in his knife. 那个犯人不得不交出刀子。

    can but do sth. 表示只得做某事。例如:

    The boy made an apology to his teacher, so the teacher could but give up the idea of punishing him. 那男孩向老师道了歉,老师只得打消惩罚他的念头。

    类似这一结构的 cannot choose but to sth 也表示不得不、只得。例如:

    It rained hard, so they couldn't choose but stay at home. 雨下得很大,他们只得呆在家里。


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