高中英语语法-高中一年级A world of fun 习题之一-查字典英语网
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高中英语语法-高中一年级A world of fun 习题之一

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  高中一年级A world of fun 习题之一

  高中一年级A world of fun 习题




  1.At the e ____ to the park,Mary picked up a wallet with a lot of money.

  2.Can you i ____ what it would be like to live without electricity?

  3.G ____ are places where people keep their cars.

  4.Press the b ____ and people inside will notice you are coming.

  5.The picture was painted by a famous a____ .

  6.Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are____(角色)created by Disney.

  7.I wonder whether you will be____(成功的)in finding a new house.

  8.Go____(径直)ahead,and you'll find the hospital.

  9.Could you tell us who is your____(最喜欢的)writer?

  10.____ (操作)by electricity,the machine works very well.



  1.They always give the available present to ____ comes first.

  A.whomever B.whoever

  C.which D.whom

  2.He asked ____ for the violin.

  A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much

  C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid

  3.She has made it clear ____ she will have nothing to do with him.

  A.that B.how

  C.what D.when

  4.Please advise me ____ book I should read first.

  A.which B.who's

  C.her D.his

  5.I don't care ____ or not your car breaks down.

  A.if B.whether

  C.that D.where

  6.You can imagine ____ when they received those nice Christmas presents.

  A.how they were excited B.how excited they were

  C.how excited were they D.they were how excited

  7.It is generally considered unwise to give a child ____ he or she wants.

  A.however B.whatever

  C.whichever D.whenever

  8.She suggested a meeting ____ at once.

  A.would hold B.was to be held

  C.ought to hold D.be held

  9.Sarah hopes to become a friend of ____ shares her interest.

  A.anyone B.whomever

  C.whoever D.no matter who

  10.Can you make sure ____ the gold ring?

  A.where Alice had put

  B.where had Alice put

  C.where Alice has put

  D.where has Alice put



  1.Who can tell ____ it will be fine tomorrow or not?

  2.The monitor asked Jack ____ he was often late for class.

  3.The teacher knew ____ house was near to the school because he remembered all about his pupils.

  4.The child finds it very funny ____ a big animal walks on its two hind(后面的)legs.

  5.I wonder ____ the horse is trained to walk on the wall.

  6.He told us about ____ had happened in his home twenty-four years before.

  7.He asked me ____ the train would arrive.

  8.Can you tell me ____ the No.8 bus stop is?

  9.Please ask her ____ is coming to see us.

  10.I can't tell you ____ one your brother likes best.


  1.He asked you__________________(是否可以把那本新词典借给他).

  2.I want to know__________________(他们在这儿会呆多久).

  3.May I ask you about__________________(史密斯先生大约几点钟能回旅馆)?

  4.They decided__________________(第二天早晨就爬那座山).

  5.I think__________________(某人误拿了我的书).



  1.Mr.Brown often ____ along his pipe(烟斗)when he is on business.

  A.takes B.carries C.walks D.fetches

  2.You can take the lift,which is ____ by electricity.

  A.lifted B.operated C.ridden D.made

  3.Crusoe searched the woods carefully ____ finding some food to keep himself alive.

  A.in this way B.in order to C.in the hope of D.hoping

  4. ____get this machine?

  A.Do you think where can we B.Where do you think we can

  C.Where you think we can D.Where can you think we

  5.How did Jack do in the exam this time?

  Well,his parents seem ____ with his result.

  A.pleasing B.please C.to please D.pleased

  6.The postman is busy delivering letters____ .

  A.day and day B.day in day C.day to day D.day after day

  7.He has come,but I didn't know that he ____ until yesterday.

  A.is coming B.will come C.was coming D.wasn't coming

  8.Would you mind if I ____ here?

  I'm sorry,but it's not ____ .

  A.smoke;allowed B.smoked;allowed

  C.smoke;allow D.smoked;allow

  9.The well-known writer died and ____ his wife a lot of money.

  A.left B.gave C.sent D.offered

  10.John ____ in the countryside when he was a child.

  A.used to living B.was used to live

  C.was used living D.used to live

  11.Please don't imagine ____ English well ____ three months.

  A.to learn;in B.learning;at C.to learn;at D.learning;in

  12.The old man often stands in front of the monument(纪念碑),____ .

  A.thinking about the past B.and thinks the past

  C.to think the past D.and think about the past

  13.The pollution here has ____ many problems over the past three years.

  A.brought for B.brought to

  C.brought on D.brought with

  14.The patient ____ and his life is still in danger.

  A.is being operated on B.was operating

  C.is operated on D.is operating on

  15.I prefer ____ to ____ a taxi.I've been sitting for hours.

  A.to walk;take B.walking;taking

  C.walking;take D.to walk;taking



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