高考英语语法复习 如何搭配英语词汇-查字典英语网
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高考英语语法复习 如何搭配英语词汇

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  英语词汇的搭配十分活跃,复习时我们要把重点放在某些常用的动词、名词或介词、副词。我们可按下列 方式进行对比归纳。

  1.常用的搭配活跃的名词: 常用的搭配较活跃的名词有:time,way,moment,means等。如time的搭配短语在中学教材中出现有:in no time(立刻,马上),on time(按时),in time(及时、迟早、最终),at a time(一次),behind the times(落伍),behind time(不及时,晚点),at one time(曾经),for a time(一度),at othe r times(其它时候,平素),at times(有时候),at all times(一直,经常)

  (93高考)If you keep on,you will succeed_____________.A.in time B.at one time C.on time D.at the same time

  (94高考)Dont all speak at once!___________,please.A.Each at on time B.One by one time C.One for each time D.One at a time

  2.常用的搭配活跃的动词: 常用的搭配活跃的动词有:look,take,make,give,get,have,go,do,turn,put,set,come等。复习时我们要尽量将具有相反意义的介词、副词与同一动词的搭配罗列在一起对比记忆,如turn一词:turn on(打开),turn off(关上),turn up(放大音量等;出现),turn down(放小音量等;拒绝) ,turn in(上交),turn against(反对),turn out(生产),turn away(避开)

  (81高考)Would you mind__________your radio a little? A.turn off B.turning off C.to turn down D.turning down

  (92高考)Readers can_______quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A.get over B.get out of C.get away D.get off

  3.常用的搭配活跃的介词、副词: 搭配活跃的介词、副词有:in,out,up,down,on,off,to,from,for,over,with等。复习时,我们要从不同动 词、名词等与同一介词、副词搭配进行逐一过关,如on的搭配有:

  ①on与动词的搭配: get on(上车/船等),live on(以为生),feed on(以为生),take on(接受;雇用),turn on(打开开关/电器等),look on(旁观),spy on(侦察/窥探),call on(号召;拜访),go on(继续 ),have on(穿戴),dependon(依靠),wait on(侍候),carry on(执行),hold on(坚持),insi st on(坚持),play tr-icks on(戏弄),fix on(注视),impress on(留下印象)

  ②on与名词搭配(注意冠词的取舍):on duty(值班),on business(因公;因事),on fire(燃烧),on show(展览),on time(准时) ,on strike(罢工),on watch(监视,观察),on sale(出售;大减价),on earth(到底,究竟),on journey(旅游),on foot(步行),on purpose(故意),on the way(在路上),on the contrary(相 反),on one hand(一方面),on the right(在右边),on the whole(总而言之),on ones own(独自 ),on ones side(支持,站在某一方),on holiday/leave(度假/请假)

  ③其它情况:later on(后来),from now/then on(从现在/那时起),on account of(由于,因为)

  (93高考)We offered him our congratulations_______his passing the college entrance exams. A.at B.on C.for D.of

  (91高考)A new school was___________in the village last year. A.held up B.set up C.sent up D.brought up



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