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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. - Isnt it getting dark earlier tonight?

  - I think so. I see ____ is on already.

  A. the street light B. the light of the street

  C. the streets light D. the light street

  2. They are ____.

  A. mathematics studentB. mathematic students

  C. students in mathematics D. students of mathematics

  3. The shop at the street corner sells ____ clothing.

  A. childs and womans B. children and womens

  C. childrens and women D. childrens and womens

  4. She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of ____ she may be in.

  A. mood B. mind C. form D. thought

  5. I was paid last week, but I cant remember the exact ____ of the money.

  A. number B. value C. amount D. percent

  6. I have a dream that we will one day live in a ____ where well have a lot of trees and fresh air.

  A. state B. country C. nation D. space

  7. Our football teams ____ has been excellent during the whole year.

  A. demandB. master C. historyD. performance

  8. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into ____.

  A. light B. sight C. eyes D. effect

  9. There are a lot of problems today which are beyond any single persons ability to solve, and they call for united ____.

  A. forceB. efforts C. energy D. operations

  10. He went back to the hall to try his ____ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.

  A. best B. success C. result D. luck

  11. He found a lot of____ were ____.

  A. passers-by; grown-ups B. passer-bys; growns-up

  C. passer-bys; grown-upsD. passers-by; growns-up

  12. He left ____ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep____.

  A. words; his words B. word; his word

  C. word; word D. the word; his word

  13. To some life is pleasure, but to ____ it is suffering.

  A. the othersB. others C. other ones D. those

  14. I want to know ____: Has Mr Jones been here the whole morning?

  A. it B. one C. that D. this

  15. He cares so little about his meals that ____ will do so long as it fills his stomach.

  A. anythingB. everything C. nothingD. something

  16. ____ will make a trip around the world during the coming year.

  A. The BlacksB. The Blacks C. The BlackD. Blacks

  17. The public expressed ____ concern about the accident.

  A. its B. their C. her D. his

  18. Are the products of Taiwan____?

  A. somewhat like Japan B. something like Japan

  C. somewhat like that of Japan D. somewhat like those of Japan

  19. - What about the price of these washing machines?

  - They are equal in price to, if not cheaper than, ____ at the other shops in the street.

  A. others B. it C. that D. the ones

  20. My grandparents used to live in ____ is now part of Shanghai.

  A. which B. what C. whereD. that

  1.A。表示时间、地点、称呼等的名词常直接用作定语,修饰另一名 词。如:afternoon tea(下午茶);evening school(夜校); country life(乡村生活);winter sleep(冬眠)。另外,表示类别、用途、材料、功能、来源等的名词也常直接用作定语。如: government office(政府办公室);history lesson(历史课);women drivers(女司机);shoe store(鞋店);tooth brush(牙刷);meeting room(会议室)等。

  2.D。students of mathematics相当于mathematics students。


  4.A。in a ...mood 处于的心境, 心情。

  5.C。amount 与不可数名词连用;number与可数名词连用; B、D不符合题意。

  6.B。根据从句的含义,应选country, 它有 地方,乡村之意。选项A强调国家,政府选项C强调全国人民选项D意为空间;间隙。


  8.B。come into sight意为进入视野,为固定短语。

  9.B。united efforts意为一致的努力。

  10.D。短语try ones best(努力,尽力)后常接to do sth.; try ones luck at doing sth. 意为 碰碰运气做某事 。B 、C 不符合题意。


  12.B。leave word留口信,留言;keep ones word遵守诺言。


  14.D。this有时可以用来指下文说的话one为不定代词,用来代替上文出现过的单数可数名词;it为人称代词, 用于指代上文提到的某一事物。that常用来代替上文出现的不可数名词,有时还可以代替前面所说的情况。

  15.A。根据句意 他不讲究吃(he cares so little about his meals)可知,应选anything, 强调随便什么(任何吃的东西),只要能填饱肚皮就行。


  17.B。the public意为公众,故代词应用their。

  18.D。somewhat like 意为有点像those指代 the products。

  19.D。ones为不定代词one的复数形式,代替上文中的复数可数名词washing machines。

  20.B。连接代词what引导名词性从句作介词in的宾语。   1. - Isnt it getting dark earlier tonight?

  1. I think so. I see ____ is on already.

  A. the street light B. the light of the street

  C. the streets light D. the light street

  2. They are ____.

  A. mathematics studentB. mathematic students

  C. students in mathematics D. students of mathematics

  3. The shop at the street corner sells ____ clothing.

  A. childs and womans B. children and womens

  C. childrens and women D. childrens and womens

  4. She knows that as a secretary she must be pleasant and helpful no matter how busy she is or what kind of ____ she may be in.

  A. mood B. mind C. form D. thought

  5. I was paid last week, but I cant remember the exact ____ of the money.

  A. number B. value C. amount D. percent

  6. I have a dream that we will one day live in a ____ where well have a lot of trees and fresh air.

  A. state B. country C. nation D. space

  7. Our football teams ____ has been excellent during the whole year.

  A. demandB. master C. historyD. performance

  8. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into ____.

  A. light B. sight C. eyes D. effect

  9. There are a lot of problems today which are beyond any single persons ability to solve, and they call for united ____.

  A. forceB. efforts C. energy D. operations

  10. He went back to the hall to try his ____ at finding his lost gold watch, but never found it.

  A. best B. success C. result D. luck

  11. He found a lot of____ were ____.

  A. passers-by; grown-ups B. passer-bys; growns-up

  C. passer-bys; grown-upsD. passers-by; growns-up

  12. He left ____ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep____.

  A. words; his words B. word; his word

  C. word; word D. the word; his word

  13. To some life is pleasure, but to ____ it is suffering.

  A. the othersB. others C. other ones D. those

  14. I want to know ____: Has Mr Jones been here the whole morning?

  A. it B. one C. that D. this



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