A neednt have done意指没必要干某件事但多余地干了,即浪费了时间:
You neednt have watered the flowers,for it is going to rain.
You neednt have written such a long essay.The teacher only asked for
300 words,and you have written 600.
He neednt have bought such a large house.His wife would have been quite happy in a cottage.
You neednt have carried all these parcels yourself.The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them.
B didnt have/need to do意指不一定非干某事,而通常也并没有这样做:
I didnt have to translate it for him for he understands Dutch.
I didnt have to cut the grass myself.My brother did it.
我用不着自己修剪草坪。我的兄弟修剪过了。(无义务,而且无行动)有些人的确把didnt have to/didnt need to用于表示已完成的动作,这时 have或 need都要加以重读:You didnhave to give him my name通常意味着没有必要告诉他我的姓名,但是你却告诉了他。但当一个不必要的动作实际已完成了时,还是用neednt have+过去分词为好:
You neednt have given him my name.