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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Pausing (停留) in the doorway, he saw that the windows were closed and the curtains drawn with everything as it should be, and everything in its usual place, the bed still unmade, and the suitcase (小提箱) on the floor. But something, a faint trace of perfume (香水味) in the air, made him stop and look around carefully, as he tried to remember where he had smelt it before. He closed the door quietly, sure that nothing was wrong, that no one had followed him, though the perfume was still there, worrying at the back of his mind. As he remembered, a voice behind him said, Welcome back, Mr Grant, and he dived for the door.

  1.The man in this passage stopped in the doorway, and ______.

    A.he found everything in the room had been changed

    B.he found nothing was in its usual place

    C.he was surprised that someone had made the room clean and tidy

    D.he found nothing had been changed, even the bed was still undone

  2.According to this passage, we may guess that ______.

    A.the man had never been there before

    B.it was himself who lived there some time ago

    C.the mans wife had deserted the room for some reason

    D.the man has just come to visit his friend who lives there

  3.When a voice in the room greeted him, the man ______.

    A.was so glad that he could say nothing

    B.was surprised because the voice was familiar to him

    C.ran to open the door for his friend

    D.tried to hurry away from the room

  4.When he smelt a kind of perfume in the room, ______.

    A.he knew who was there immediately

    B.he felt familiar with the smell

    C.he noticed a man hiding there

    D.he remembered who had that kind of perfume

  5.Mr Grant might be ______.

    A.a person who worked in a place far away from his home and now came back

    B.an escaped criminal (逃犯) who tried to come home without being seen

    C.a policeman who was waiting to catch an escaped criminal

    D.a person who came to see a friend of his


  Judo (柔道) and Karate (空手道) are sports for self-de fence. They began in the eastern part of the world, but now many Americans enjoy them too. In fact, schools for teaching them have been opened all over the United States and Canada.

  Players in both sports use only their hands, arms, legs and feet. However, the two sports are quite different. In Karate, players hit each other with the open hand and with the closed fist (拳头) They also use foot for kicking. In Judo, players are more likely to throw each other. Then they try to touch and pin (按住) each other down. They also move their arms and legs in large circles. Karate moves, on the other hand, are short and quick. Players stand away from each other. They only touch one another with quick punches (猛击) and kicks.

  Can a Karate player beat a Judo player? It depends on the players. One sport is not better than the other. They are both very good forms of self-defense. Both aim toward control of the mind and body. A wise old man in Japan had a good answer to the question. He said, We dont say the other martial arts of soldiers are bad. The mountain does not laugh at the river because it is lowly, not does the river speak ill of the mountain because it cant move about.

  6.What is the main idea of the passage?

    A.Judo and Karate are good sports.

    B.Many Americans enjoy Judo and Karate.

    C.To tell the difference between Judo and Karate.

    D.One sport is not better than the other.

  7.Which detail helps you to understand how to do Judo?

    A.Players throw each other.

    B.Players pin each other down.

    C.Players touch and move arms and legs in large circles.

    D.All of the above.

  8.Which detail helps you understand how to do Karate?

    A.Players hit each other with open hands and closed fists.

    B.Players touch each other.

    C.Players use feet for kicking.

     D.Both A and C.

  9.According to the passage, which of the following statements is correct?

    A.Players in Karate use only hands and feet.

    B.Players in Judo use only arms and legs.

    C.Players in both sports use only arms, legs, hands and feet.

    D.Players in both sports use only open hands and closed fists.

  10.According to the wise old man in Japan, ______.

    A.Karate is better than Judo

    B.Judo is better than Karate

    C.both of them are better than military (军事) arts

    D.both of them are very good forms of self-defence

  Keys:1~5 DBDBB  6~10CDDCD


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