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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  第I卷 选择题(本部分共三部分,共计87分)

  第一部分 听力(共三节,共计20分)

  第一节 情景反应(共7个小题,每小题1分,共7分)


  1. A. Im fine. B. He is fine. C. She is fine.

  2. A. No problem. B. It doesnt matter. C. Thank you.

  3. A. Eat lots of meat. B. Stay up late. C. Thank you.

  4. A. I am Dave. B. This is Dave speaking. C. My name is Dave.

  第二节 对话理解(共8个题,每小题1分,共8分)

  8. What will they do after lunch?

  A. Theyll go fishing. B. Theyll play soccer. C. Theyll have lunch.

  9. How much are the computer and the desk?

  A. $800. B. $18. C. $818.

  10. Whats the matter with the man/

  A. he has a toothache. B. He has a stomachache. C. He has a headache.

  11. Why does the man use his IPAD?

  A. Because he is teaching himself French. B. Because he ofte n shops online.

  C. Because h es teaching himself French and also shops online.

  12. When will meeting begin?

  A. At 10:00. B. At 10:30. C. At 10:13.

  13. What does Mary want?

  A. A cup of tea. B. Some juice. C. Coffee without sugar.

  14. How does Linda usually go to work?

  A. By bike. B. By subway. C. By train.

  15. Which does Tom prefer?

  A. Apple pies. B. Spaghetti. C. Salad.

  第三节 短文理解(共5个小题,每小题1分,共5分)


  16. Who is Rita?

  A. Our baby. B. Our daughter. C. Our dog.

  17. When was Rita lost?

  A. On Wednesday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.

  18. Why is Rita so important for our daughter?

  A. She is her best friend. B. She is lovely. C. She is small.

  19. How long has the owner had Rita?

  A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years.

  20. What is the owners telephone number?

  A. 6837546. B. 6837596. C. 6836546.

  第二部分 基础知识运用(本部分共三节,共62分)

  第一节 单项选择(每小题1分,共12分)


  21. The underlined part in the word needed is pronounced as _______.

  A. /-d/ B. /-t/ C. /-id/ D. /-it/

  22. The Whites have planned to visit _______ Great wall in China.

  A. the B. an C. a D. /



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